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Deep Space Observations of Terrestrial Glitter
Earth and Space Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1029/2020ea001521
Alexander Kostinski 1 , Alexander Marshak 2 , Tamás Várnai 3

Deep space climate observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft drifts about the Lagrangian point ≈1.4–1.6 × 106 km from Earth, where its Earth polychromatic imaging camera (EPIC) observes the sun‐lit face of the Earth every 1 to 2 hours. At any instance, there is a preferred (specular) spot on the globe, where a glint may be observed by EPIC. While monitoring reflectance at these spots (terrestrial glitter), we observe occasional intense glints originating from neither ocean surface nor cloud ice and we argue that mountain lakes high in the Andes are among the causes. We also examine time‐averaged reflectance at the spots and find it exceeding that of neighbors, with the excess monotonically increasing with separation distance. This specular excess is found in all channels and is more pronounced in the latest and best‐calibrated version of EPIC data, thus opening the possibility of testing geometric calibration by monitoring distant glitter.



深空气候观测站(DSCOVR)的航天器在拉格朗日点附近漂移≈1.4–1.6×10 6 距地球9公里,它的地球多色成像相机(EPIC)每1到2个小时观察一次太阳照射下的地球。在任何情况下,地球仪上都有一个首选的(镜面)光斑,EPIC可能会在其中观察到闪光。在监视这些点(地面闪光)的反射率时,我们观察到偶尔有强烈的闪烁现象,它们既不是来自海洋表面也不来自云冰,我们认为安第斯山脉中的高山湖泊是其中的原因。我们还检查了这些点的时均反射率,发现它超过了邻居的反射率,多余的反射率随分离距离单调增加。在所有通道中都发现了这种镜面反射过量,并且在EPIC数据的最新和最佳校准版本中更加明显,从而为通过监视远距离闪光来测试几何校准提供了可能性。