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A multi-modal bacterial foraging optimization algorithm
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing Pub Date : 2021-01-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s12652-020-02755-9
Taymaz Rahkar Farshi , Mohanna Orujpour

In recent years, multi-modal optimization algorithms have attracted considerable attention, largely because many real-world problems have more than one solution. Multi-modal optimization algorithms are able to find multiple local/global optima (solutions), while unimodal optimization algorithms only find a single global optimum (solution) among the set of the solutions. Niche-based multi-modal optimization approaches have been widely used for solving multi-modal problems. These methods require a predefined niching parameter but estimating the proper value of the niching parameter is challenging without having prior knowledge of the problem space. In this paper, a novel multi-modal optimization algorithm is proposed by extending the unimodal bacterial foraging optimization algorithm. The proposed multi-odal bacterial foraging optimization (MBFO) scheme does not require any additional parameter, including the niching parameter, to be determined in advance. Furthermore, the complexity of this new algorithm is less than its unimodal form because the elimination-dispersal step is excluded, as is any other phase, like a clustering or local search algorithm. The algorithm is compared with six multi-modal optimization algorithms on nine commonly used multi-modal benchmark functions. The experimental results demonstrate that the MBFO algorithm is useful in solving multi-modal optimization problems and outperforms other methods.



