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Guest Editorial: Internet of Things for In-Home Health Monitoring
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1109/jsac.2020.3042420
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues , Honggang Wang , Simon James Fong , Nada Y. Philip , Jia Chen

Under the pressure of the growing millennial population and senior citizens are aging, which is one of the top societal priorities in many countries, the provision of healthcare needs to evolve and improve. A roadmap paved by World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2019 called Global Strategy on Digital Health 2020-2024, specified a grand vision of promoting healthy lives and well-beings for everyone, everywhere, at all ages [1] . WHO urges all nations to work hand in hand in developing and delivering Digital Health initiatives supported by robust government strategies that amalgamate financial, organizational, human and technological resources [2] . In particular, there are some niches areas in the strategies such as the adoption of distributed sensors and assisted living emerging in recent years. To this end, a lot of efforts both from the research community and industrial providers are anticipated to put forth in the coming decade, in implementing the concept of assisted living using hardware devices into meaningful solutions for fulfilling the growing needs of assisted living.



在千禧一代人口不断增长的压力下,老龄化是许多国家最重要的社会优先事项之一,老龄化是医疗服务需求不断发展和改善的原因。世界卫生组织(WHO)在2019年3月制定的路线图,即《 2020-2024年数字健康全球战略》确定了一个宏伟的愿景,旨在为所有年龄段的每个人促进健康的生活和福祉[1] 。世卫组织敦促所有国家携手努力,在强有力的政府战略的支持下,制定并提供数字卫生计划,以融合财政,组织,人力和技术资源[2] 。尤其是,近年来在战略中有一些利基领域,例如采用分布式传感器和辅助生活。为此,预计在未来十年中,研究界和工业提供者都将做出很多努力,以将使用硬件设备的辅助生活概念实施为有意义的解决方案,以满足不断增长的辅助生活需求。