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Improving sampling and calibration of GRBs as distance indicators
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3926
Ariadna Montiel 1 , J I Cabrera 2, 3 , Juan Carlos Hidalgo 1

We present a sample of 81 Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) observed by Fermi-GBM for which we compute the distance moduli and use them to constrain effective dark energy models. To overcome the circularity problem affecting the use of GRBs as distance indicators, we calibrate the Amati relation of our sample by employing a cosmology-independent technique. Specifically, the latest observational Hubble parameter data are used to approximate the cosmic expansion through a Bezier parametric curve. We subsequently obtain the distance moduli of the GRBs and include it in a suite of recent cosmological (Planck Compressed 2018 and 2012 BOSS release of BAO data) and local (Pantheon SNIa) observations of the expansion history to compute Bayesian posterior constraints for the standard cosmological model $\Lambda$CDM, $\omega$CDM, and for the CPL parametrization. We highlight the advantages that our dataset and method represent over other recent GRB data.


改进 GRB 的采样和校准作为距离指标

我们展示了一个由 Fermi-GBM 观测到的 81 个伽马射线暴 (GRB) 样本,我们计算了距离模量并使用它们来约束有效的暗能量模型。为了克服影响使用 GRB 作为距离指标的圆度问题,我们通过采用与宇宙学无关的技术校准我们样本的 Amati 关系。具体来说,就是利用最新的观测哈勃参数数据,通过贝塞尔参数曲线来近似宇宙膨胀。我们随后获得了 GRB 的距离模量,并将其包含在一组最近的宇宙学(普朗克压缩 2018 年和 2012 年 BOSS 发布的 BAO 数据)和局部(万神殿 SNIa)膨胀历史观测中,以计算标准宇宙学的贝叶斯后验约束模型 $\Lambda$CDM、$\omega$CDM 和 CPL 参数化。