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Shaping legal and institutional pluralism: land rights, access to justice and citizenship in South Africa
South African Journal on Human Rights ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1080/02587203.2020.1867483
Janine Ubink 1 , Joanna Pickering 2


In November 2019, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill into law. The Act forms part of a broader package of recent laws and proposed legislation regulating traditional leadership, which have been strongly critiqued for undermining the property and citizenship rights of South Africans residing in the former homelands. The Act is most strongly contested for providing traditional councils with the power to conclude agreements with companies on behalf of their communities. Mining deals are at the forefront of this debate, and the site of this study. Combining literature study and legal analysis with unique data obtained through interviews and participant observation, this article analyses how the new shape of legal and institutional pluralism affects the rights, strategies and access to justice of rural people in mining areas. It shows how laws regulating traditional authority and mining together paint a veneer of legality over mining deals that in fact infringe on the land rights of rural citizens who, both according to customary law and the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, have a say regarding their own land. Their residence in so-called traditional communities impedes their enjoyment of the same effective political and property rights as the rest of South Africa’s population.




2019年11月,南非总统西里尔·拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)签署了《传统和Khoi-San领导权法案》成为法律。该法令是最近一揽子法律和提议的规范传统领导力的立法的一部分,该立法和提议的立法规范了传统的领导才能,因为这些传统做法破坏了居住在原籍国的南非人的财产权和公民权。该法案在为传统理事会提供权力以代表其社区与公司达成协议方面受到了最激烈的争议。采矿交易是这场辩论的重点,也是本研究的重点。本文将文献研究和法律分析与通过访谈和参与者观察获得的独特数据相结合,分析了法律和制度多元化的新形态如何影响权利,矿区农村人民的战略和诉诸司法的渠道。它显示了规范传统权威和采矿的法律如何共同掩盖了采矿交易的合法性,而采矿交易实际上侵犯了农村居民的土地权,根据习惯法和《非正式土地权利临时保护法》,农村居民对土地交易有发言权自己的土地。他们在所谓的传统社区的居住阻碍了他们与南非其他人口一样享有有效的政治和财产权。对自己的土地有发言权。他们在所谓的传统社区的居住阻碍了他们与南非其他人口一样享有有效的政治和财产权。对自己的土地有发言权。他们在所谓的传统社区的居住阻碍了他们与南非其他人口一样享有有效的政治和财产权。
