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Nationality-Based Criminalisation of South-South Migration: the Experience of Venezuelan Forced Migrants in Peru
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10610-020-09475-y
Luisa Feline Freier 1 , Leda M Pérez 1

This article examines how Venezuelan forced migrants in Peru experience xenophobic discrimination, which has become increasingly linked to their criminalisation as thieves and murderers. Based on 12 months of qualitative fieldwork, including 72 in-depth interviews, five focus groups, and a survey (N116) in five Peruvian cities, we explore how Venezuelans experience, and make sense of, discrimination and criminalisation in everyday life. First, we discuss how criminalisation compares to general xenophobic discrimination, and other types of discrimination experiences. Second, we juxtapose the prevalence of xenophobic discrimination and criminalisation experiences across the five cities of our study, and between public spaces and the workspace. We then move to the qualitative discussion of the criminalisation experience in these different spaces. Fourth, we discuss how Venezuelan migrants perceive this criminalising discrimination as linked to their villanisation in the media and political discourses. Finally, we discuss our findings and make suggestion for further research. The paper contributes to the literature on migrant criminalisation by exploring how criminalisation processes play out in the context of large-scale intraregional forced displacement in the global South.



本文探讨了秘鲁的委内瑞拉强迫移民如何遭受仇外歧视,这与他们被定为小偷和杀人犯的罪行越来越相关。基于 12 个月的定性实地调查,包括 72 次深度访谈、五个焦点小组以及在秘鲁五个城市进行的一项调查 (N116),我们探讨了委内瑞拉人如何体验并理解日常生活中的歧视和刑事定罪。首先,我们讨论如何将刑事定罪与一般的仇外歧视和其他类型的歧视经历进行比较。其次,我们将我们研究的五个城市以及公共空间和工作空间之间普遍存在的仇外歧视和刑事定罪经验并列。然后,我们转向对这些不同空间中的刑事定罪经验的定性讨论。第四,我们讨论委内瑞拉移民如何将这种定罪歧视与他们在媒体和政治话语中的邪恶化联系起来。最后,我们讨论了我们的发现并为进一步的研究提出了建议。本文通过探讨刑事定罪过程在全球南方大规模区域内被迫流离失所的背景下如何发挥作用,为有关移民刑事定罪的文献做出了贡献。