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Roi de guerre ou Roi de paix? Louis XV and the French monarchy, 1740–1748
French History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1093/fh/craa021
Julian Swann 1

This article examines debate about the nature of the French monarchy during the early years of Louis XV’s personal rule. It argues that the king, his ministers and advisers as well as the wider French public were torn between traditional models of monarchy based upon the concept of a ‘roi de guerre’ and the diplomatic and human consequences of military conflict that had caused many to urge a more restrained, pacific projection of French power. In 1748, Louis XV offered a peace that reflected the desire to avoid a repetition of his predecessor’s errors, but France lacked the strength needed to impose a Pax Francia. The subsequent separation between the Bourbon dynasty and active military service did much to undermine the monarchy in the eyes of an increasingly patriotic public opinion.


Roi de guerre ou Roi de paix?路易十五和法国君主制,1740-1748年

本文探讨了有关路易十五个人统治初期法国君主制性质的辩论。它辩称,国王,其部长和顾问以及广大法国公众在基于“法国游击队”概念的传统君主制模式与军事冲突对外交和人类造成的后果之间造成了破坏对法国力量的内敛,和平的投射。1748年,路易十五(Louis XV)提供了一种和平,体现了避免重复其前任错误的愿望,但法国缺乏强加Pax Francia所需的实力。在波旁王朝与现役军人之间的随后分离,在越来越多的爱国舆论眼中,极大地破坏了君主制。