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“With All Your Heart”: American Missionaries and the State in Mission Fields
Diplomatic History ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1093/dh/dhaa068
Sejoo Kim

On a summer day in 1935, James Gordon Holdcroft, an American Presbyterian missionary in colonial Korea, hurried to the Educational Bureau of the Government-General. He had an urgent meeting with its chief, Watanabe Toyohiko, to discuss the recent change of tone in the government’s educational policy, which mandated all students without exception to salute at the shrines of State Shinto. Believing that such a ritual marked no ordinary gesture of respect for fallen soldiers but an act of pagan worship honoring spirits, Holdcroft found the policy hard to accept for mission schools. Deeply troubled about its consequences, he hoped to hear from the authorities more about the matter. At the bureau, after the usual welcoming remarks, the educational chief reassured him that mission schools would be exempted from any rite that could offend Christians. Holdcroft felt relieved and returned to his office.11 Yet in late fall, he realized that Watanabe’s promise failed to materialize. Mission schools received orders from the government to participate in shrine ceremonies. Holdcroft’s fear came true.



1935年的一个夏日,美国长老会在朝鲜殖民地的传教士詹姆斯·戈登·霍尔德克罗夫特(James Gordon Holdcroft)赶赴政府教育总局。他与日本首相渡边丰彦举行了紧急会议,讨论了政府教育政策最近的基调变化,该政策要求所有学生无一例外地向神道教圣地致敬。霍尔克罗夫特相信这样的仪式并没有标志着对堕落士兵的尊重,而只是对异教徒敬礼的举止,这使宣教学校难以接受这一政策。他对其后果深感不安,他希望从当局那里得到更多的信息。在教育局中,经过通常的欢迎讲话,教育长官向他保证,宣教学校将免于参加任何可能冒犯基督徒的仪式。1然而,在深秋,他意识到渡边的承诺未能实现。宣教学校收到政府的命令参加神rine仪式。Holdcroft的恐惧变成了现实。