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Republic of Slovenia v. Republic of Croatia
American Journal of International Law ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1017/ajil.2020.104
Brian McGarry

The Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Slovenia v. Croatia marks the anticlimax of a long-running territorial dispute. It is also only the sixth time the CJEU has issued a judgment in a case instituted by one European Union member against another. Among these cases, it is the first to consider an arbitral award in a dispute between members, the first to consider a boundary dispute between members, and the first to be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. The Court found that it cannot rule on alleged infringements of European Union law when these arise from the breach of a treaty falling outside of the Union's subject-matter competence. Most directly, the Judgment may pose significant consequences for European Union internal affairs in the near term, such as Croatia's ambitions to join the Schengen Area and the Eurozone. More broadly, several of the Court's findings will be relevant beyond the European legal order, particular those concerning the meaning and effect of “ancillary” legal questions, and the bilateral or multilateral character of a dispute involving admission to an international organization.



欧盟法院 (CJEU) 的判决斯洛文尼亚诉克罗地亚标志着一场旷日持久的领土争端的反高潮。这也是欧盟法院第六次就一个欧盟成员国对另一个成员国提起的案件作出判决。在这些案件中,首先考虑仲裁裁决的成员之间的纠纷,最先考虑的成员之间的边界纠纷,以及第一个因无管辖权而被驳回的案件。法院认为,如果涉嫌违反欧盟法律的行为是由违反不属于欧盟主题权限范围的条约引起的,则法院不能对其作出裁决。最直接的是,该判决可能在短期内对欧盟内政产生重大影响,例如克罗地亚加入申根区和欧元区的雄心。更广泛地说,法院的几个'