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Congress and the Trump Administration Spar Over U.S. Arms Sales to the Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen
American Journal of International Law ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1017/ajil.2020.102

Longstanding tensions between Congress and the executive over U.S. support to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen have spurred conflict between the branches over arms sales. In May 2019, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo declared an emergency under the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) to bypass congressional “freezes” on arms sales and complete $8.1 billion in sales to members of the Saudi-led coalition. In response, Congress requested that the State Department inspector general (IG) investigate the matter. In a report released in August 2020, the IG determined that the emergency declaration comported with the AECA's procedural requirements but that the State Department's risk assessments and civilian casualty mitigation measures did not fully address legal concerns about the sales. The Trump administration has continued to move forward with arms sales, including by unilaterally reinterpreting a nonbinding multilateral export control regime to eliminate prohibitions on the export of certain unmanned aerial systems (UAS). A bipartisan group of legislators has introduced a bill to prevent such sales to all countries except select U.S. allies. In September, a UN report criticized U.S. and other countries’ arms sales to the Saudi-led coalition and recommended referral of the situation in Yemen to the International Criminal Court (ICC).



由于美国支持沙特领导的也门联盟,国会和行政部门之间长期存在紧张关系,这引发了分支机构之间在军售问题上的冲突。2019 年 5 月,美国国务卿迈克尔·蓬佩奥(Michael Pompeo)根据《武器出口管制法》(AECA)宣布进入紧急状态,以绕过国会对武器销售的“冻结”,并向沙特领导的联盟成员完成 81 亿美元的销售。作为回应,国会要求国务院监察长(IG)调查此事。在 2020 年 8 月发布的一份报告中,IG 确定紧急声明符合 AECA 的程序要求,但国务院的风险评估和平民伤亡缓解措施并未完全解决有关销售的法律问题。特朗普政府继续推进军售,包括单方面重新解释不具约束力的多边出口管制制度,以取消对某些无人机系统(UAS)出口的禁令。一个由两党议员组成的团体提出了一项法案,以防止向除特定美国盟友之外的所有国家出售此类产品。9 月,联合国的一份报告批评美国和其他国家向沙特领导的联盟出售武器,并建议将也门局势提交国际刑事法院(ICC)。盟国。9 月,联合国的一份报告批评美国和其他国家向沙特领导的联盟出售武器,并建议将也门局势提交国际刑事法院(ICC)。盟国。9 月,联合国的一份报告批评美国和其他国家向沙特领导的联盟出售武器,并建议将也门局势提交国际刑事法院(ICC)。