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Optimal transport, gradient estimates, and pathwise Brownian coupling on spaces with variable Ricci bounds
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matpur.2021.01.002
Mathias Braun , Karen Habermann , Karl-Theodor Sturm

Given a metric measure space (X,d,m) and a lower semicontinuous, lower bounded function k:XR, we prove the equivalence of the synthetic approaches to Ricci curvature at xX being bounded from below by k(x) in terms of

the Bakry–Émery estimate ΔΓ(f)/2Γ(f,Δf)kΓ(f) in an appropriate weak formulation, and

the curvature-dimension condition CD(k,) in the sense of Lott–Sturm–Villani with variable k.

Moreover, for all p(1,), these properties hold if and only if the perturbed p-transport costWpk_(μ1,μ2,t):=inf(b1,b2)E[e02tpk_(br1,br2)/2drdp(b2t1,b2t2)]1/p is nonincreasing in t. The infimum here is taken over pairs of coupled Brownian motions b1 and b2 on X with given initial distributions μ1 and μ2, respectively, and k_(x,y):=infγ01k(γs)ds denotes the “average” of k along geodesics γ connecting x and y.

Furthermore, for any pair of initial distributions μ1 and μ2 on X, we prove the existence of a pair of coupled Brownian motions b1 and b2 such that a.s. for every s,t[0,) with st, we haved(bt1,bt2)estk_(br1,br2)/2drd(bs1,bs2).



给定度量空间 Xd 和下半连续,下界函数 ķX[R,我们证明了Ricci曲率的综合方法 XX 从下面被包围 ķX 就......而言

巴克里-埃梅里估计 ΔΓF/2-ΓFΔFķΓF 以适当的弱表达,以及

曲率维条件 光盘ķ在具有变量k的Lott–Sturm–Villani的意义上。

而且,对于所有人 p1个,则这些属性仅当且仅当摄动p-运输成本w ^pķ_μ1个μ2Ť=信息b1个b2Ë[Ë02Ťpķ_b[R1个b[R2/2d[Rdpb2Ť1个b2Ť2]1个/pt不变。这里的最小是接管成对的布朗运动b1个b2X上具有给定的初始分布μ1个μ2分别和 ķ_Xÿ=信息γ01个ķγsds表示k沿连接xy的测地线γ的“平均值” 。

此外,对于任何一对初始分布 μ1个μ2X上,我们证明了一对耦合布朗运动的存在b1个b2 这样,对于每个 sŤ[0sŤ, 我们有dbŤ1个bŤ2Ë-sŤķ_b[R1个b[R2/2d[Rdbs1个bs2
