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Nitrogen and water supply modulate the effect of elevated temperature on wheat yield
European Journal of Agronomy ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2020.126227
C. Mariano Cossani , Victor O. Sadras

Elevated temperature, water deficit, low nitrogen availability and their interactions, constrain wheat yield in Mediterranean-type environments. Our working hypothesis is that, owing to the non-linearity of yield response to water and nitrogen and the non-linearity of biological processes in response to temperature, the outcome of the interactions between temperature, nitrogen and water is range-dependent. To generate a broad range of conditions in testing this hypothesis, we established two experiments. Experiment 1 combined factorially four sowing times, six cultivars and four nitrogen rates in four locations-seasons. Experiment 2 combined factorially two cultivars, two nitrogen rates, and two thermal regimes to further untangle interactions. Thermal regimes were unheated controls, and crops heated with passive open-top heating chambers increasing temperature by 0.5 °C during grain set or grain filling.

Across the 384 combinations of treatments in Experiment 1, yield ranged between 0.12 t ha-1 and 5.96 t ha-1. The duration of the critical period (300 °C d before anthesis to 100 °C d after anthesis) decreased with mean temperature at an average rate of 5 d °C-1 and accounted for 75% of the variation in yield. We used quantile regression to calculate a temperature-limited yield potential YT and derived a linear function between YT and mean temperature in the critical period, returning a slope of -0.53 t ha-1 °C-1. Yield gap, i.e., the difference between YT and actual yield, was larger in nitrogen and water-deficient crops. Yield-temperature relationships crossed over in response to nitrogen fertilisation. Fertilised crops (100−200 kg N ha-1) outyielded their unfertilised counterparts when mean temperature during the critical period was below 13 °C, and unfertilised controls were superior above this threshold. Locally calibrated thresholds can be used as a rule-of-thumb adding a further dimension to the management of combined stresses and risk of wheat in Mediterranean-type environments.

In Experiment 2, yield responded to the interaction between temperature and nitrogen, whereby elevated temperature during grain set reduced yield by 17% in unfertilised crops with no effect on crops with 100 kg N ha-1. Elevated temperature during grain fill reduced yield by 14% with no effect of nitrogen or nitrogen x temperature interaction on grain yield.




在实验1的384种处理组合中,产量介于0.12 t ha -1和5.96 t ha -1之间。临界期的持续时间(花前300°C到花后100°C)以平均温度以5 d°C -1的平均速率减少,占产量变化的75%。我们使用分位数回归来计算温度限制的屈服势Y T,并得出临界期间Y T与平均温度之间的线性函数,返回-0.53 t ha -1  °C -1的斜率。产量差距,即Y T之间的差氮和缺水作物的实际产量较高。产量-温度关系因氮肥而交叉。当关键时期的平均温度低于13°C时,受精农作物(100-200 kg N ha -1)的产量比未受精农作物高,而未受精对照的农作物高于该阈值。可以将本地校准的阈值用作经验法则​​,为地中海型环境中小麦的综合胁迫和小麦风险管理增加了新的维度。

在实验2中,产量对温度和氮素之间的相互作用产生响应,因此在未受精作物中,结实期温度升高会使产量降低17%,而对100 kg N ha -1的作物没有影响。籽粒灌浆期间温度升高会使产量降低14%,而氮或氮x温度互作对籽粒产量没有影响。
