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Louse Flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) in Bird Nests in Voronezh Province
Entomological Review Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s0013873820060044
S. P. Gaponov , R. T. Tewelde


Eight species of louse flies were recorded on 22 bird species as the result of research carried out in 2008–2018 in Voronezh Province of Russia. Five species are reported from the region for the first time: Ornithomya fringillina (Curtis, 1836), O. chloropus (Bergroth, 1901), Ornithoica turdi (Olivier in Latreille, 1811), Ornithophila metallica (Schiner, 1864), and Icosta ardeae (Macquart, 1835). Five species reproduce and complete their life cycles in the region: Crataerina hirundinis (Linnaeus, 1758), C. pallida (Olivier in Latreille, 1812), Ornithomya avicularia (Linnaeus, 1758), O. fringillina, and O. chloropus; the remaining 3 species are introduced into the region by migratory birds: Icosta ardeae, Ornithoica turdi, and Ornithophila metallica. The predominant species are Ornithomya avicularia (42.29%), O. fringillina (29.57%), and C. hirundinis (12.56%). Crataerina hirundinis and C. pallida are monoxenous, I. ardeae is oligoxenous, and the remaining species are polyxenous parasites of birds. All louse fly species were found on adult birds and nestlings in April–May, while C. hirundinis was also common on the second-brood nestlings in August–September.




2008年至2018年在俄罗斯沃罗涅日省进行的研究结果表明,有22种鸟类记录了8种虱蝇。五个物种被从区域报道首次:Ornithomya fringillina(柯蒂斯,1836),O. chloropus(Bergroth,1901),Ornithoica turdi(奥利弗在蚁,1811),Ornithophila METALLICA(Schiner,1864),和ICOSTA ardeae(麦克夸特,1835年)。五个物种的繁殖和完成其生命周期中的区域:Crataerina hirundinis(林奈,1758),C.淡紫(奥利弗在蚁,1812),Ornithomya avicularia(林奈,1758),O. fringillina绿脓杆菌; 其余3个物种引入区的候鸟:ICOSTA ardeaeOrnithoica turdiOrnithophila METALLICA。主要的物种是鸟梨Ornithomya avicularia(42.29%),fringillina O.(29.57%)和hirundinis C.(12.56%)。Crataerina hirundinisC. pallida是单异性的,I。ardeae是低聚性的,其余的物种是鸟类的多叶性寄生虫。在4月至5月的成年鸟类和雏鸟中发现了所有虱蝇,而在8月至9月的第二代雏鸟中也发现了C. hirundinis
