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Bark and Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae) of Northwest Russia: History of the Study, Composition and Genesis of the Fauna
Entomological Review Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s0013873820060093
M. Yu. Mandelshtam , A. V. Selikhovkin


An essay of the fauna of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in five federal subjects of Northwest Russia is presented. The species composition of scolytids in Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, and Murmansk provinces as well as the Republic of Karelia is analyzed in comparison with the bark beetle faunas of adjacent Estonia and Finland. The history of investigation of the bark beetle fauna in Northwest Russia starting from the XVIII century and up to date is discussed, and modern knowledge on the regional bark beetle fauna is considered. The distribution of “northern” and “southern” bark beetle species in the region is discussed, and a southward increase in species richness is demonstrated. The genesis of the bark beetle faunas of individual provinces is analyzed with respect to the host plant distribution in the postglacial period (Holocene). It is shown that the border between the middle and the southern taiga subzones running across Leningrad Province is also the northern distribution boundary of numerous bark beetle species. Special attention is paid to expansion of several bark beetle species into Northwest Russia in the last decades caused by different factors; the northward range expansion of the small spruce bark beetle Ips amitinus (Eichhoff, 1872) and elm bark beetles from the genus Scolytus Geoffroy, 1762 is considered in more detail. The absence of monitoring of the elm bark beetle populations has led to uncontrolled reproduction of the pests, spread of Dutch elm disease, and significant economic losses. Rare bark beetle species deserving inclusion in the regional Red Data Lists are named. Attention is drawn to the insufficient knowledge of the bark beetle fauna in nature reserves and other protected areas in Northwest Russia. The damage caused by the most economically important bark beetles, namely the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Linnaeus, 1758) and pine shoot beetles of the genus Tomicus Latreille, 1802, in the boreal forest zone is briefly reviewed. Some taxonomic problems which remain to be solved in order to refine the local bark beetle species lists in Northwest Russia are outlined. The contribution of researchers from St. Petersburg Forest Institute to the knowledge of bark beetle biology in the region and in the whole of Russia is specially considered.




介绍了俄罗斯西北部的五个联邦科目中的树皮甲虫(鞘翅目:Curculionidae:Scolytinae)的动物区系。与相邻的爱沙尼亚和芬兰的树皮甲虫动物区系进行了比较,分析了列宁格勒,诺夫哥罗德,普斯科夫和摩尔曼斯克省以及卡累利阿共和国的鞘脂动物的物种组成。讨论了从十八世纪开始直到今天对俄罗斯西北部树皮甲虫动物研究的历史,并考虑了有关该地区树皮甲虫动物的现代知识。讨论了该地区“北”和“南”树皮甲虫的分布,并证明了其物种丰富度向南增加。就冰期后(全新世)寄主植物的分布情况分析了各个省的树皮甲虫动物区系。研究表明,横跨列宁格勒省的中,南部针叶林次区域之间的边界也是众多树皮甲虫物种的北部分布边界。在过去的几十年中,由于各种因素,特别注意了几种树皮甲虫物种向俄罗斯西北部的扩张;小云杉树皮甲虫向北扩展 在过去的几十年中,由于各种因素,特别注意了几种树皮甲虫物种向俄罗斯西北部的扩张;小云杉树皮甲虫向北扩展 在过去的几十年中,由于各种因素,特别注意了几种树皮甲虫物种向俄罗斯西北部的扩张;小云杉树皮甲虫向北扩展Ips amitinus(Eichhoff,1872)和Scolytus Geoffroy属的榆树皮甲虫(1762)被更详细地考虑。缺乏对榆树皮甲虫种群的监测导致了有害生物的无节制繁殖,荷兰榆树病的传播以及重大的经济损失。命名了应列入区域红色数据列表的稀有树皮甲虫物种。请注意对俄罗斯西北部自然保护区和其他保护区中的树皮甲虫动物的了解不足。最重要的经济树皮甲虫,即欧洲云杉树皮甲虫Ips typographus(Linnaeus,1758)和Tomicus属的松枝甲虫,造成的损害简要回顾了北方森林带的Latreille,1802年。概述了一些分类学问题,以完善俄罗斯西北部的当地树皮甲虫种类清单。特别考虑了圣彼得堡森林研究所的研究人员对该地区乃至整个俄罗斯的树皮甲虫生物学知识的贡献。
