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Notes on Asiatic Eumolpinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)
Entomological Review Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s0013873820060123
A. G. Moseyko


Glyptoscelis sinica sp. n. is described from Hunan, China. A new synonym of the genus group name is Lepina Baly, 1863 = Demotinella Jacoby, 1908, syn. n.; the new synonyms of the species group names are: Hyperaxis yaosanicus Chen, 1940 = H. consors Chen, 1940, syn. n.; Cleoporus lateralis (Motschulsky, 1866) = C. birmanicus Jacoby, 1892, syn. n.; C. inornatus Jacoby, 1908 = C. lefevrei (Jacoby, 1895), syn. n., = C. jacobyi Medvedev et Eroshkina, 1985, syn. n. The following new combinations are made: Lepina pectoralis (Jacoby, 1908), comb. n. from Demotinella; L. atra (Lefèvre, 1887), comb. n. and L. balyi (Jacoby, 1896), comb. n. from Apolepis Baly, 1863; Trichotheca brunnea (Tan, 1992), comb. n. from Malegia Lefèvre, 1883; Parheminodes pulcher (Baly, 1864), comb. n. and P. mouhoti (Baly, 1864), comb. n. (with its synonyms P. siamensis (Jacoby, 1895) and P. adonis (Pic, 1928)), P. conspectus (Lefèvre, 1890), comb. n., P. massiei (Lefèvre, 1893), comb. n., P. nilgiriensis (Jacoby, 1908), comb. n., P. hageni (Jacoby, 1884), comb. n. and Platycorynus languei (Lefèvre, 1893), comb. n. from Chrysochus Chevrolat, 1837. Resurrected from synonyms are Platycorynus languei, Parheminodes mouhoti, P. conspectus, P. massiei, Cleoporus variabilis (Baly, 1874), C. robustus (Baly, 1874), C. pallidipes (Fairmaire, 1888), C. tibialis (Lefèvre, 1885), C. aeneipennis (Chen, 1935), C. suturalis Chen, 1935, and Cleorina janthina Lefèvre, 1885. Cleoporus niger (Weise, 1922), C. pygmaeus Weise, 1922 and C. fulvipes (Chûjô, 1938) are tentative synonyms of C. robustus (Baly, 1874). Cleorina bella (Jacoby, 1892), C. lefevrei Jacoby, 1890, C. purpureicollis Pic, 1937 and C. violaceipennis Pic, 1937 are synonyms of C. janthina. Genus Lepina is recorded from China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore (L. inconspicua Baly, 1863) and Indonesia (L. atra (Lefèvre, 1887), L. balyi (Jacoby, 1896)) for the first time. Genera Glyptoscelis Chevrolat, 1836 (G. sinica), Mesocolaspis Jacoby, 1908 (M. spinulosum L. Medvedev et Zoia, 1996) and Lophea Baly, 1865 (L. tonkinea Pic, 1927) are recorded for the first time from China. Most records and descriptions of Chrysochus from the tropical regions actually refer to Parheminodes Chen, 1940.
