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The Status of the Stock and the Current Fishery for the Atka Mackerel, Pleurogrammus monopterygius (Pallas, 1810), in the Olyutorsky–Navarin Area, Bering Sea
Russian Journal of Marine Biology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063074020070093
A. O. Zolotov , O. G. Zolotov , Yu. K. Kurbanov


The dynamics of the Atka mackerel stock in the Olyutorsky–Navarin area in 1994–2019 is inferred from bottom-trawl surveys, fishery statistics, open-access NOAA data, and the results of simulation by the method of virtual population analysis. After the period of low stock in the mid-1990s, the abundance of the Atka mackerel group in the area increased sharply to a maximum in 2006–2008, when the spawning biomass was estimated at approximately 9500 t and the fishery biomass at 14 000 t. In 2008, the stock showed a tendency to decrease; by 2013, the spawning stock decreased to 3600 t and the fishery stock to 5600 t; subsequently, there was a period of stabilization at a low level with a slight tendency to further reduction. One of the possible causes of the sharp increase in the Atka mackerel stock in the 2000s could be the increased transport of juveniles of strong year-classes from the main spawning grounds off the Aleutian Islands with their subsequent settlement on available parts of the shelf off Cape Olyutorsky. The development of the Atka mackerel fishery in the Olyutorsky–Navarin area in 1994–2019 had a pattern similar in general to the stock dynamics. Until 1995, no more than an average of 100 t were caught per year; in 2006–2010, the average annual catch increased to 790 t; in 2011–2015, it increased to 1150 t; and in 2016–2019, the catch again decreased to 950 t. Due to the emerging trend of a general reduction in the stock of the Aleutian population, this low level of catches in the Olyutorsky–Navarin area is expected to continue in the coming years.


白令海Olyutorsky-Navarin地区的Atka鲭鱼(Pleurogrammus monopterygius)的种群状况和当前渔业(帕拉斯,1810年)


根据海底拖网调查,渔业统计数据,NOAA开放获取数据以及通过虚拟种群分析方法得出的模拟结果,可以推断1994-2019年Olyutorsky-Navarin地区的Atka鲭鱼种群的动态。在1990年代中期的库存不足时期之后,该地区的Atka鲭鱼群的数量急剧增加,在2006-2008年达到最大值,当时产卵生物量估计为9500 t,渔业生物量为14000 t 。2008年,库存呈下降趋势。到2013年,产卵量减少到3600吨,渔业种群减少到5600吨;随后,有一段时间处于较低水平的稳定,略有进一步下降的趋势。在2000年代,阿特卡鲭鱼种群急剧增加的可能原因之一可能是,来自阿留申群岛主要产卵场的强年级少年的运输增加,随后又将其安置在开普角附近的架子上奥利托尔斯基。1994-2019年奥林托尔斯基-纳瓦林地区阿特卡鲭鱼渔业的发展总体上与种群动态相似。直到1995年,每年平均捕捞不超过100吨。2006-2010年,年平均捕捞量增加到790吨;在2011–2015年,它增加到1150吨;在2016-2019年,产量再次下降至950吨。由于出现了阿留申人口总体减少的新趋势,预计在未来几年内,奥利托尔斯基-纳瓦林地区的这种低渔获量仍将继续。
