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Investigation into the Occurrence of Juvenile Common Snook Centropomus undecimalis , a Subtropical Estuarine Sport Fish, in Saltmarshes Beyond Their Established Range
Estuaries and Coasts ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s12237-020-00884-0
Philip W. Stevens , Matthew E. Kimball , Garrett M. Elmo , Kyle L. Williams , Jared L. Ritch , Derek P. Crane

Given recent trends of warming water temperatures and shifting fish distributions, detecting range expansion is important for resource management and planning. The subtropical common snook Centropomus undecimalis (hereafter referred to as snook) is an estuarine species that historically extended from the tropics to southern portions of Florida and Texas, but this range has been expanding for the past decade. We collected juvenile snook (n = 16; size range = 96–210-mm standard length [SL]) in saltmarshes of South Carolina, which is well outside their usual range but not unprecedented. Growth rates of juvenile snook in South Carolina (0.72-mm SL d−1) were similar to those reported for Florida during a cold period, but faster than rates reported for Florida during a recent period of mild winters (0.49-mm SL d−1). Based on collection and estimated hatch dates, and supported by winter water temperature records, juvenile snook overwintered for at least 1 year allowing them to grow to sizes that are typical for emigration from nursery habitats to open estuarine shorelines. Continued work is needed to determine whether there is potential for ongoing range expansion of snook to the region, and a strategy is proposed to focus on future research.



鉴于最近水温升高和鱼类分布变化的趋势,检测范围的扩大对于资源管理和规划很重要。亚热带共同SNOOK Centropomus undecimalis(下文中被称为锯盖)是一种河口物种,从历史上看从热带到佛罗里达和德克萨斯南部部分伸出,但该范围一直在扩大在过去的十年。我们 在南卡罗来纳州的盐沼中收集了幼年的斯诺克(n = 16;大小范围= 96–210毫米标准长度[SL]),该数量远超出其通常范围,但并非史无前例。南卡罗来纳州少年斯诺克的增长率(0.72-mm SL d -1)与寒冷时期佛罗里达州的报告相似,但比最近一段时间温和的冬季(0.49毫米SL d -1)报告的佛罗里达州更快。根据收集和估计的孵化日期,并在冬季水温记录的支持下,幼年斯诺克越冬至少一年,使其成长为典型的大小,从苗圃栖息地迁移到开放的河口海岸线。需要继续进行工作,以确定是否有可能将斯诺克范围扩大到该地区,并提出了针对未来研究的策略。
