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Co-digestion of Dairy Cattle Waste in a Pilot-Scale Thermophilic Digester Adapted to Poultry Litter Feedstock: Stress, Recovery, and Microbiome Response
BioEnergy Research ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s12155-020-10233-5
David H. Huber , Jesus E. Chavarria-Palma , Teodoro Espinosa-Solares

The adaptability of a thermophilic anaerobic digester stabilized long-term with poultry litter as sole feedstock was measured with regard to co-digestion with dairy cattle manure. Both feedstocks have low C/N ratios but differ in carbohydrates, protein, and fiber content. The digester was a pilot-scale (40 m3) sCSTR (semi-continuously stirred tank reactor) with a 20-day hydraulic retention time (HRT). Dairy manure was added as three step-wise increases in concentration: 20, 40, and 80%. At 20% dairy manure, methane production was unchanged (17–19 m3 day−1). But as the fraction of dairy manure increased, methane, ammonia, sCOD, acetate, and propionate decreased. At 80% dairy manure, methane volume dropped by 60%. Acetate concentration decreased from an initial 878 ± 209 mg L−1 during poultry litter mono-digestion to 285 ± 169 mg L−1 with 80% dairy manure. Upon returning to mono-digestion, methane production was on a trajectory of recovery although acetate remained low. Bacterial community structure shifted during co-digestion, but community resilience was also underway following return to the original feedstock for one HRT. The dominant bacterial phylotypes belonged to the groups Thermotogales, Synergistales, Clostridiales, and Halanaerobiales, and three uncharacterized orders (MBA08, SHA-98, OPB54) in class Clostridia. Co-digestion led to a shift in dominance with reductions in Thermotogales and OPB54, and an increase in MBA08. This experiment provides guidance for digester operators who wish to mix livestock and poultry manures for thermophilic co-digestion.



在与奶牛粪便共同消化的基础上,测定了以家禽垫料作为唯一原料长期稳定的高温厌氧消化池的适应性。两种原料的C / N值均较低,但碳水化合物,蛋白质和纤维含量不同。蒸煮器为中型规模(40 m 3)sCSTR(半连续搅拌釜反应器),具有20天的水力停留时间(HRT)。乳牛粪便以逐步增加的三个浓度添加:20%,40%和80%。在20%的奶牛粪便下,甲烷产量没有变化(17–19 m 3 天-1)。但是随着奶牛粪便比例的增加,甲烷,氨气,sCOD,乙酸盐和丙酸盐减少。在80%的牛奶中,甲烷量下降了60%。醋酸盐浓度从家禽垫料一次消化期间的初始878±209 mg L -1降至285±169 mg L -1含80%的牛奶。恢复到单消化后,尽管乙酸盐含量仍然很低,但甲烷的生产仍处于恢复轨道。在共同消化过程中,细菌群落结构发生了变化,但在恢复一种HRT的原始原料后,细菌的适应力也在发展。优势细菌系统型属于梭菌类中的嗜热菌,协同子,梭状芽孢杆菌和Halanerobialiales,以及三个未表征的菌纲(MBA08,SHA-98,OPB54)。共消化导致了优势的转移,即嗜热菌和OPB54的减少,以及MBA08的增加。该实验为希望将畜禽粪便混合以进行高温共消化的沼气池操作员提供指导。
