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Italo-Mycenaean and other Aegean-influenced pottery in Late Bronze Age Italy: the case for regional production
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01245-5
Richard E. Jones , Sara T. Levi , Marco Bettelli , Valentina Cannavò

Decorated Italo-Mycenaean (IM) pottery, a high-status class found and made over three centuries from the Italian Late Middle Bronze Age onwards, was the subject of a large archaeological and archaeometric enquiry published by the present authors in 2014. The present paper focuses on identifying IM’s centres of production. The results of chemical analysis of IM using mainly ICP-ES make a strong case for regional production, irrespective of findspots in several parts of Italy. This accords well with the relative stylistic individuality of IM observed among the finds of IM across many parts of Italy, suggesting that IM is a powerful archaeological indicator of the way local communities were constructing and negotiating their identities at this crucial time of social and economic change at the end of the Bronze Age. A picture of more dispersed intra-regional production emerges from the combined chemical and petrographic analysis of two other pottery classes displaying Aegean influence: wheel-made Grey ware and decorated Final Bronze Age/Early Iron Age (FBA/EIA) pottery from sites in present-day Apulia and from Broglio di Trebisacce in Calabria. Potters manufacturing the former applied their knowledge of the wheel and kiln firing to handmade impasto shapes which were largely shared by local communities within a region. The results obtained for the latter reflect demands of the new elites of the emerging FBA/EIA in southern Italy to create symbols expressing a new cultural identity: this pottery’s style, especially of Protogeometric, was uniform but its production was localised.



装饰的Italo-Mycenaean(IM)陶器是一种高级状态的陶器,自意大利中古铜晚期开始就存在了三个多世纪,是本作者于2014年出版的大型考古和考古学研究的主题。专注于确定IM的生产中心。不考虑意大利几个地区的发现点,主要使用ICP-ES对IM进行化学分析的结果为区域生产提供了有力依据。这与在意大利许多地方的IM发现中观察到的IM相对风格独特性非常吻合,这表明IM是在这个关键的社会和经济变革时期当地社区构建和协商其身份的方式的有力考古指标在青铜时代的末期。图片更加分散区域内生产是通过对其他两种表现出爱琴海影响的陶器的化学和岩石学分析相结合而得出的:轮式灰色器皿,以及来自当今普利亚地区和Broglio di Trebisacce在卡拉布里亚。制造前者的陶工将他们对车轮和窑炉烧制的知识运用到手工制作的铁皮形状上,这些形状在很大程度上被一个地区的当地社区所共有。后者获得的结果反映了意大利南部新兴的FBA / EIA的新精英对创建表示新文化身份的符号的要求:这种陶器的风格,尤其是Protogeometric,是统一的,但其生产是本地化的。
