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Comparison of typical and atypical computed tomography patterns regarding reversibility and fibrosis in pulmonary sarcoidosis
Annals of Thoracic Medicine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.4103/atm.atm_187_20
Seher Susam , FatmaDemirci Ucsular , Enver Yalniz , Akin Cinkooglu , Gulru Polat , BernaEren Komurcuoglu , Ceyda Anar , Gulistan Karadeniz , AliKadri Cirak , Emel Tellioglu , Filiz Guldaval , Mine Gayaf , Nimet Aksel , Ozgur Batum , Dursun Alizoroglu , Semra Bilaceroglu

PURPOSE: This study aims to investigate whether there is a significant difference between typical and atypical parenchymal patterns in the development of fibrosis, which is the most crucial factor affecting morbidity in pulmonary sarcoidosis.
METHODS: In our hospital, 145 cases with Siltzbach Types 2 and 3 sarcoidoses diagnosed by clinical, radiological, and histopathologic were retrospectively investigated. Perilymphatic nodules, accompanying mosaic attenuation, and interlobular septal thickening and central peribronchovascular bunch-like thickening on high-resolution computed tomography were assessed as typical. Solid nodules, galaxy finding, consolidation, ground-glass opacity, isolated mosaic attenuation, and interlobular septal thickening, and pleural fluid were accepted as atypical findings. Findings indicating fibrosis were fine and rough reticular opacity, traction bronchiectasis, volume loss, and cystic changes. For the analysis of variables, SPSS 25.0 program was used.
RESULTS: Ten (16%) of the 61 cases with typical findings and 16 (19%) of the 84 with atypical findings developed fibrosis (P = 0.827). The mean age of cases with fibrosis was higher. With the cut-off of 50 years, sensitivity was 61.5%, and specificity was 68.9%. The highest fibrosis rate was in cases with ground glass pattern (n = 7/17), whereas higher reversibility rates were in those with miliary pattern (n = 9/12) and galaxy sign (n = 5/6).
CONCLUSION: The incidence of fibrosis is higher in the atypical group with no significant difference. The incidence of fibrosis differs in each atypical pattern, being highest in ground-glass opacity and lowest in the miliary pattern.



方法:在我们医院,对145例经临床,影像学和组织病理学诊断为Siltzbach 2型和3型肌瘤的病例进行了回顾性调查。淋巴结结节,伴有镶嵌衰减,小叶间隔增厚和中央支气管周围血管束样增厚在高分辨率计算机断层扫描上被评估为典型。不典型的结节包括实性结节,星系发现,合并,磨玻璃片混浊,孤立的镶嵌衰减,小叶间隔增厚和胸膜积液。纤维化的发现为网状细小和粗糙不透明,支气管扩张,体积减少和囊性改变。为了分析变量,使用了SPSS 25.0程序。
结果:61例典型发现的病例中有10例(16%),非典型表现的84例中有16例(19%)发展为纤维化(P = 0.827)。纤维化病例的平均年龄较高。截止50年,敏感性为61.5%,特异性为68.9%。纤维化率最高的是磨玻璃样(n = 7/17),而可逆性较高的是粟粒玻璃样(n = 9/12)和星系征(n = 5/6)。