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Long-term treatment leads to reduction of tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) populations in the Buffalo National River
Invasive Plant Science and Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1017/inp.2020.28
Craig C. Young , Jordan C. Bell , Lloyd W. Morrison

In this case study, we used point mapping data to evaluate long-term treatment of invasive tree-of-heaven [Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle]. This study at the Buffalo National River included 21 project areas ranging in size from 0.02 to 11.3 ha and spanned 5 to 8 yr depending on the site. The control techniques varied depending on the year and included the application of herbicide, which also varied over the course of the study and included imazapyr, triclopyr, and triclopyr+fluroxypyr. Treatments during the first year reduced local A. altissima populations by an average of 66%. Long-term repeated treatments led to decreases of at least 90% in 70% of the project areas and at least 73% in 95% of the project areas. Only one project area was found to support no plants during the final treatment year. Ailanthus altissima increased at most project areas during an unusually wet year and was more likely to increase than decrease in intervals >1 yr with no treatment. Over the temporal and spatial scales of this case study, we observed high levels of control that will likely meet the specified levels and ecological benefits required in many similar efforts. Land managers must, however, make a long-term commitment of resources to achieve lasting control of this invasive species.



在本案例研究中,我们使用点映射数据来评估侵入性天堂树的长期治疗 [臭椿(磨坊)摇摆]。这项在布法罗国家河进行的研究包括 21 个项目区域,面积从 0.02 到 11.3 公顷不等,根据地点的不同,历时 5 到 8 年。防治技术因年份而异,包括除草剂的应用,除草剂在研究过程中也有所不同,包括灭草烟、绿草定和绿草定+氟草烟。第一年的治疗减少了局部A. altissima人口平均减少 66%。长期重复处理导致70%的项目区域减少至少90%,95%的项目区域减少至少73%。在最后一个处理年中,仅发现一个项目区域不支持任何植物。臭椿在异常潮湿的一年中,大多数项目区域都增加了,并且在没有处理的情况下超过 1 年的时间间隔内增加的可能性大于减少的可能性。在本案例研究的时间和空间尺度上,我们观察到高水平的控制可能会满足许多类似工作所需的特定水平和生态效益。然而,土地管理者必须对资源做出长期承诺,以实现对这种入侵物种的持久控制。