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Oceania ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5287

In Dean (2020), the Author Biography section was omitted. The text is given below:

Mohseen Riaz Ud Dean is currently working with the UNDP Accelerator Lab, Pacific office based in Suva, Fiji, as Head of Community Research and Ethnographic Solutions Mapping. He holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Waikato in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Mohseen’s cross‐disciplinary PhD thesis drew upon the agronomic, ecological, and social sciences to analyze the current crisis in the Fijian sugar industry. It focused particularly on the livelihood crisis faced by smallholder sugarcane growers and explored the potential of local and traditional farming knowledge to address this crisis. Mohseen also holds a M.Sc in Environmental Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India, a Post Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching, and a B.Sc in Environmental Science from the University of the South Pacific. Before joining the UNDP, Mohseen worked as an academic at Fiji National University.

The online version of the article has been corrected.




Mohseen Riaz Ud Dean目前与联合国开发计划署加速器实验室(位于斐济苏瓦的太平洋办事处)合作,担任社区研究和人种学解决方案制图负责人。他在新西兰奥特罗阿的怀卡托大学获得人类学博士学位。Mohseen的跨学科博士学位论文利用农学,生态学和社会科学来分析斐济制糖业当前的危机。它特别关注小农户甘蔗种植者面临的生计危机,并探讨了当地和传统农业知识在应对这一危机方面的潜力。Mohseen还拥有印度新德里贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学(Jawaharlal Nehru University)的环境科学理学硕士学位,高等教育学士学位和南太平洋大学的环境科学理学学士学位。加入开发计划署之前,

