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Regularizing effect of homogeneous evolution equations with perturbation
Nonlinear Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.na.2021.112245
Daniel Hauer

Since the pioneering works by Aronson and Bénilan (1979), and Bénilan and Crandall (1981) it is well-known that first-order evolution problems governed by a nonlinear but homogeneous operator admit the smoothing effect that every corresponding mild solution is Lipschitz continuous at every positive time. Moreover, if the underlying Banach space has the Radon–Nikodým property, then this mild solution is a.e. differentiable, and the time-derivative satisfies global and point-wise bounds.

In this paper, we show that these results remain true if the homogeneous operator is perturbed by a Lipschitz continuous mapping. More precisely, we establish global L1 Aronson–Bénilan type estimates and point-wise Aronson–Bénilan type estimates. We apply our theory to derive global Lq-L-estimates on the time-derivative of the perturbed diffusion problem governed by the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator associated with the p-Laplace–Beltrami operator and lower-order terms on a compact Riemannian manifold with a Lipschitz boundary.




在本文中,我们证明,如果Lipschitz连续映射扰动齐次算子,则这些结果仍然成立。更确切地说,我们建立全球大号1个 Aronson-Bénilan类型估计点Aronson-Bénilan类型估计。我们运用我们的理论来推导全球大号q--大号估计由Dirichlet-to-Neumann算子控制的扰动扩散问题的时间导数,该算子与 p-Laplace–Beltrami算子和具有Lipschitz边界的紧致黎曼流形上的低阶项。
