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Geochemical Assessment of the Ecological State of the Territory of a Cu–Ore Deposit by Thermodynamic Modeling of the Water–Rock–Gas System
Geochemistry International ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016702920130066
O. A. Limantseva , B. N. Ryzhenko

Thermodynamic modeling with the HCh software complex was applied to analyze the probability of acid drainage formation during the evolution of a copper–ore deposit in low-temperature conditions (5°C) with various water levels. During the modeling, three main factors were taken into account: the percentage of pyrite in rocks, the availability of oxygen in the air, and the water content of the rocks (the relative rate of water exchange). It was found that the increase in the content of pyrite sulfur in the rock and an increase in the ratio of the rock–water mass (decrease in water exchange) lead to an increase in mineralization and a decrease in the pH of the drainage solution. The openness of the system to atmospheric gases (in particular, to O2) increases the acidification effect. The most environmentally unfavorable rocks at the deposit are mudstones, siltstones, and silt-sandstones.



使用 HCh 软件复合体的热力学建模被用于分析在不同水位的低温条件 (5°C) 下铜矿床演化过程中形成酸性排水的可能性。在建模过程中,考虑了三个主要因素:岩石中黄铁矿的百分比、空气中氧气的可用性和岩石的含水量(水交换的相对速率)。发现岩石中黄铁矿硫含量的增加和岩水质量比的增加(水交换减少)导致矿化增加和排水溶液的pH值降低。系统对大气气体(特别是对 O2)的开放性提高了酸化效果。