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Institutional anomie and cross‐national differences in incarceration†
Criminology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9125.12242
Douglas B. Weiss 1 , Alexander Testa 2 , Mateus Rennó Santos 3

Messner and Rosenfeld's (2007) institutional anomie theory (IAT) has mainly been applied by criminologists to explain crime rates at various aggregate levels. However, Messner and Rosenfeld also suggest that the same social and cultural forces that lead to high crime may explain differences in punishment, although this latter proposition has yet to be subject to empirical testing. Using a variety of data sources for 41 countries measuring various structural and cultural configurations, in this study we assess the extent to which IAT can explain cross‐national differences in incarceration. Our results indicate that the strength of the economic institution and the extent of institutional imbalance reflecting a dominant economic institution are positively associated with incarceration rates when the national culture is characterized by individualism, a competitive achievement orientation, or both. A national culture characterized by both collectivism and a cooperative achievement orientation, however, serves as a buffer against the punitive effects of an institutional imbalance that favors the economy. Our results are discussed in the context of the extant IAT literature and future research on cross‐national incarceration.



梅斯纳和罗森菲尔德(Messner and Rosenfeld,2007)的制度失范理论(IAT)已被犯罪学家主要用来解释各种总体犯罪率。但是,梅斯纳(Messner)和罗森菲尔德(Rosenfeld)也认为,导致高犯罪率的相同社会文化力量可以解释惩罚的差异,尽管后者的主张尚待实证检验。我们使用41个国家的各种数据源来衡量各种结构和文化形态,在这项研究中,我们评估了IAT可以解释跨国监禁的程度。我们的结果表明,当民族文化以个人主义,竞争性成就取向或两者为特征时,经济制度的实力和反映主导经济制度的制度失衡程度与监禁率呈正相关。但是,既具有集体主义又具有合作成就取向的民族文化,可以作为缓冲不利于有利于经济的体制失衡的惩罚性影响的缓冲。我们的结果将在现有的IAT文献和对跨国监禁的未来研究的背景下进行讨论。可以缓冲有利于经济的体制失衡的惩罚性影响。我们的结果将在现有的IAT文献和对跨国监禁的未来研究的背景下进行讨论。可以缓冲有利于经济的体制失衡的惩罚性影响。我们的结果将在现有的IAT文献和对跨国监禁的未来研究的背景下进行讨论。