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A Colonial‐Scientific Interface: The Construction, Viewing, and Circulation of Faces via a 1906 German Racial Atlas
American Anthropologist ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1111/aman.13386
Geertje Mak 1

Atlases of anthropometric portraits—a scientific genre that emerged during the last quarter of the nineteenth century in the context of classical physical anthropology—invite readers to compare different races from all over the world. Concentrating on Bernard Hagen's Atlas of Heads and Faces of Asian and Melanesian People (1906), this article describes the apparatus that enabled such a way of viewing. A microanalysis of Hagen's facial atlas reveals the circumstances under which the portraits were produced, the reading strategies the atlas stimulates, as well as the reification of data through their circulation. It shows how precisely a facial atlas could function as an imperceptible interface between harsh colonial practices and German public support for colonizing “missions,” between individual subjectivity and racialized category, and between everyday colonial recognition and scientific analysis of “races.” Obscuring the apparatus facilitating such a vision naturalizes the position of a viewer surveying, analyzing, and comparing people of different geographic backgrounds as races. [colonial history, photography, face, racial science, Dutch East Indies]



人体测量学地图集-一种在古典物理人类学背景下兴起的科学体裁-邀请读者比较世界各地的不同种族。专注于伯纳德·哈根(Bernard Hagen)的亚洲和美拉尼西亚人的头像地图集(1906),本文介绍了启用这种查看方式的设备。对哈根面部图谱的微观分析揭示了肖像的制作环境,图谱刺激的阅读策略以及通过其流通对数据进行的真实化。它显示了面部地图集如何精确地充当苛刻的殖民行为与德国对殖民“使命”的公众支持之间,个人主观性与种族化类别之间,以及日常殖民地认可与“种族”科学分析之间不可感知的接口。使有助于这种视觉的设备模糊不清,使观看,分析和比较不同地理背景的人作为种族的观看者的位置自然化。[殖民历史,摄影,面部,种族科学,荷属东印度群岛]