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Tentacular Faces: Race and the Return of the Phenotype in Forensic Identification
American Anthropologist ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1111/aman.13385
Amade M'charek 1

ABSTRACT The face, just like DNA, is taken to represent a unique individual. This article proposes to move beyond this representational model and to attend to the work that a face can do. I introduce the concept of tentacularity to capture the multiple works accomplished by the face. Drawing on the example of DNA phenotyping, which is used to produce a composite face of an unknown suspect, I first show that this novel technology does not so much produce the face of an individual suspect but that of a suspect population. Second, I demonstrate how the face draws the interest of diverse publics, who with their gaze flesh out its content and contours; the face engages and yields an affective response. I argue that the biologization of appearance by way of the face contributes to the racialization of populations. [race, phenotype, material‐semiotics, facial typologies, forensics genetics, DNA phenotyping]



摘要 面部,就像 DNA 一样,被视为代表一个独特的个体。本文建议超越这种代表性模型,并关注人脸可以做的工作。我引入了触手的概念来捕捉面部完成的多个作品。以 DNA 表型分析为例,该技术用于生成未知嫌疑人的复合面孔,我首先表明,这项新技术并没有生成单个嫌疑人的面孔,而是生成嫌疑人群体的面孔。其次,我展示了面部如何吸引不同公众的兴趣,他们用他们的目光充实了它的内容和轮廓;面部参与并产生情感反应。我认为通过面部的外观生物化有助于人口的种族化。[种族、表型、材料符号学、