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Using and Refusing the Law: Indigenous Struggles and Legal Strategies after Neoliberal Multiculturalism
American Anthropologist ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1111/aman.13416
Charles R. Hale 1

This article begins with the contention that the three‐decade era of neoliberal multiculturalism is coming to an end. During that time, Indigenous peoples in Latin America gained a wide array of rights grounded in cultural difference by occupying spaces opened through the multicultural turn and using counterhegemonic strategies to push beyond their intended limits. Struggles in the judicial arena, and the accompanying work of the anthropological expert witness, played a crucial role in these strategies. I argue that the emerging era of racial retrenchment requires recalibration, starting with critical reflection on the counterhegemonic, and probing of alternative strategies, one of which I summarize with the phrase using and refusing the law. I draw on my participation in two moments of activist research in the legal arena—the 2003 landmark case Awas Tingni v. the State of Nicaragua, and a recent study of the relationship between Mapuche Indigenous people and the forest industry in southern Chile—as grounding. I conclude that while these two strategies and their associated sensibilities do stand in tension, they will need one another, as we seek effective means to contest the fierce onslaught of violence, marginalization, and roll‐back of rights for Indigenous peoples, and more broadly. [judicial pluralism, autonomy, Indigenous rights]



本文从以下观点开始:新自由主义多元文化主义的三个十年时代即将结束。在那段时间里,拉丁美洲土著人民占领了因多元文化而开放的空间,并使用反霸权策略超越了自己的预期范围,从而获得了多种基于文化差异的权利。司法领域的斗争以及人类学专家证人的伴随工作在这些战略中发挥了关键作用。我认为,新兴的种族紧缩时代需要重新校准,首先是对反霸权主义的批判性反思,并探讨替代策略,其中之一就是用“使用和拒绝法律”作为总结。。我以参与法律活动领域的两次活动为基础,这是2003年具有里程碑意义的案件Awas Tingni诉尼加拉瓜国,以及最近对马普切土著人民与智利南部森林产业之间关系的研究。 。我的结论是,尽管这两种策略及其相关敏感性确实处于紧张状态,但它们将彼此需要,因为我们正在寻求有效手段,以应对土著人民乃至更广泛的暴力,边缘化和权利回退的猛烈冲击。[司法多元化,自治,土著权利]