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Geographies of violence: beyond killing
cultural geographies ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1474474020909484
Christine Bichsel 1

Violence is unspeakable – and yet so often spoken of. This central dialectic between silence and words results in fragmented, contradictory and highly emotional narratives of violence. Judith Herman1 points to the twin imperatives of secrecy and truth-telling for violence: something too terrible to utter aloud, but at the same time it’s truth must be told. Marcus Doel’s book Geographies of violence: Killing space, killing time seeks to break forcefully with this dialectic, and to vocalise the horrors that make up our history. He intends to make readers face up with the facts of violence in their lives: ‘I want to hit you in the face and stomach with the violence and the horror that is you and your world’ (p. 2). Disbanding with secrecy and silence about violence should result in a shock, but also be a wake-up call for readers to acknowledge its presence in their lives. The book is a well-written tour de force which takes readers from ancient Rome to US drone strikes in Pakistan by way of discussing animal slaughterhouses, capital punishment, genocides, concentration camps and firestorms. Doel relies extensively on secondary literature for his endeavour. His merit is to bring these cases of violence into conversation, which he does very convincingly. He offers a bleak portrayal of recurring violence over the last centuries, not leaving much space to hope that the future will be less violent. Quite on the contrary: things might even become worse. The baseline of his book is perhaps best summarised in the conclusion: ‘in violence we continue to trust [. . .] ever worstward’ (p. 174). Doel sees human history as deeply and inevitably imbricated with violence. The main argument of the book is that with the societal changes ascribed to enlightenment and industrialisation, violence has become both ‘optimist’ and ‘optimised’. Optimist, as it is exerted in the least necessary degree for a greater good (pp. 7, 18). Optimised, as it is geared towards maximum effectiveness and efficiency through industrial schemes and routinised procedures (p. 19). Such violence appears to be clean, fast, distant and impersonal. Modern violence can be modulated and leveraged over space and time as needed (p. 19). Modernity ‘kills space’ and ‘kills time’ – the 909484 CGJ0010.1177/1474474020909484cultural geographiesbook review essay book-review2020



暴力是无法形容的,但经常被提及。沉默和言语之间的这种中心辩证法导致了对暴力的支离破碎,矛盾和高度情感化的叙述。朱迪思·赫尔曼(Judith Herman)1指出了秘密和诉说暴力的双重要求:有些事情太可怕了,无法大声说出来,但同时必须说出事实。马库斯·多尔(Marcus Doel)的著作《暴力地理学:消灭空间,消磨时间》力图打破这种辩证法,并发扬构成我们历史的恐怖。他打算让读者直面生活中的暴力事实:“我想用暴力和那是你和你的世界的恐怖来打你的脸和肚子”(第2页)。揭露暴力的秘密和沉默应该会导致震惊,同时也呼吁读者承认它在生活中的存在。这本书是一部写得很好的《导读》,通过讨论动物屠宰场,死刑,种族灭绝,集中营和暴风雪,使读者从古罗马到美国在巴基斯坦的无人机罢工。道尔(Doel)的努力广泛依赖于二手文学。他的优点是将这些暴力案件进行对话,他非常有说服力。他提供了过去几个世纪反复发生的暴力的惨淡描述,没有留出足够的空间来希望未来的暴力程度会降低。相反,情况甚至可能变得更糟。结论中最好地概括了他的书的基线:“在暴力中,我们继续信任[。。...]更糟”(第174页)。Doel认为人类历史不可避免地深深地融入了暴力。该书的主要论点是,随着启蒙运动和工业化带来的社会变革,暴力已成为“乐观主义者”和“乐观主义者”。乐观主义者,因为它以最小的必要程度发挥了更大的利益(第7、18页)。已优化,因为它旨在通过工业计划和常规程序实现最大的效率和效率(第19页)。此类暴力似乎是干净,快速,遥远且无人格的。可以根据需要在空间和时间上调整和利用现代暴力(第19页)。现代性的“消灭空间”和“消磨时间” – 909484 CGJ0010.1177 / 1474474020909484文化地理书籍评论论文book-review2020 该书的主要论点是,随着启蒙运动和工业化带来的社会变革,暴力已成为“乐观主义者”和“乐观主义者”。乐观主义者,因为它以最小的必要程度发挥了更大的利益(第7、18页)。已优化,因为它旨在通过工业计划和常规程序实现最大的效率和效率(第19页)。此类暴力似乎是干净,快速,遥远且不人道的。可以根据需要在空间和时间上调整和利用现代暴力(第19页)。现代性的“消灭空间”和“消磨时间” – 909484 CGJ0010.1177 / 1474474020909484文化地理书籍评论论文book-review2020 该书的主要论点是,随着启蒙运动和工业化带来的社会变革,暴力已成为“乐观主义者”和“乐观主义者”。乐观主义者,因为它以最小的必要程度发挥了更大的利益(第7、18页)。已优化,因为它旨在通过工业计划和常规程序实现最大的效率和效率(第19页)。此类暴力似乎是干净,快速,遥远且不人道的。可以根据需要在空间和时间上调整和利用现代暴力(第19页)。现代性的“消灭空间”和“消磨时间” – 909484 CGJ0010.1177 / 1474474020909484文化地理书籍评论论文book-review2020 因为它旨在通过工业计划和常规程序来实现最大效力和效率(第19页)。此类暴力似乎是干净,快速,遥远且无人格的。可以根据需要在空间和时间上调整和利用现代暴力(第19页)。现代性的“消灭空间”和“消磨时间” – 909484 CGJ0010.1177 / 1474474020909484文化地理书籍评论论文book-review2020 因为它旨在通过工业计划和常规程序来实现最高效率和效率(第19页)。此类暴力似乎是干净,快速,遥远且无人格的。可以根据需要在空间和时间上调整和利用现代暴力(第19页)。现代性的“消灭空间”和“消磨时间” – 909484 CGJ0010.1177 / 1474474020909484文化地理书籍评论论文book-review2020