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Book Review: Island Thinking: Suffolk Stories of Landscape, Militarisation and Identity
cultural geographies ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1474474020911180
Jonathan Pugh

What is the most noteworthy, perhaps, is that Lavrenova guides the reader through the intricacies of semantic dimensions of the cultural landscape in geocultural space, a specific subject of the study. The abundant samples from Russian poetry, philosophy, literature, and geography create a fabulous picture of semantic landscape heterogeneity through the prism of national cultural tradition. Some examples, patterns, and trajectories are intriguing and insightful. For instance, discussing the local texts of culture, a reference to ‘the Crimea text’ as one of the ‘cultural coordinates of the Russian world picture delineated by Alexander Pushkin’ (p. 198) looks especially striking given the geopolitical circumstances that occurred in a couple of years after the first publication of the book. The volume certainly offers a coherent approach for rethinking the phenomenon of the cultural landscape from the viewpoint of contemporary Russian cultural geography and humanities. The book contains an impressive array of theoretical material, and it is valuable reading for all geographers and other researchers interested in the cultural dimensions of landscapes.



也许最值得注意的是,拉夫雷诺娃(Lavrenova)通过研究的特定主题,引导读者了解了地理文化空间中文化景观的语义维度的复杂性。俄国诗歌,哲学,文学和地理学的大量样本通过民族文化传统的棱镜,创造了神话般的语义景观异质性图景。一些示例,模式和轨迹很有趣并且很有见地。例如,在讨论当地文化文本时,将“克里米亚文本”作为“亚历山大·普希金(Alexander Pushkin)描绘的俄罗斯世界图片的文化坐标”之一(第198页),这在考虑到发生在希腊的地缘政治情况时显得格外引人注目。该书首次出版后的几年。该书肯定提供了一种从当代俄罗斯文化地理和人文科学的角度重新思考文化景观现象的连贯方法。这本书包含了大量令人印象深刻的理论材料,对于所有对景观的文化方面感兴趣的地理学家和其他研究人员而言,这本书都是有价值的读物。