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“Prisons Were Made for People Like Us”: British Pakistani Muslim Experiences Upon Release From Prison
The Prison Journal ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1177/0032885520916880
Mohammed Qasim 1 , Colin Webster 1

British Muslim young men who offend upon reentry from prison reported that “Prisons were made for people like us.” At one level, this meant that the challenges they faced were likely to be intractable and insurmountable, regrettably returning them to prison. At another, their social integration after release from prison was hampered by something more than their individual choices and agency. Cycling between neighborhood, offending, and prison, it was their characteristic social relations and the peculiar social structural constraints placed upon them as a group that best explained their experiences upon release from prison.



在重新入狱时冒犯的英国穆斯林青年报告说,“监狱是为像我们这样的人建造的。” 一方面,这意味着他们面临的挑战很可能是难以解决和无法克服的,令人遗憾的是,他们将被送回监狱。另一方面,他们出狱后的社会融合受到的阻碍不仅仅是他们的个人选择和能动性。在邻里、犯罪和监狱之间循环,正是他们特有的社会关系和施加在他们身上的特殊社会结构约束最能解释他们出狱后的经历。