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When Islamists Lose: The Politicization of Tunisia's Ennahda Movement
The Middle East Journal ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.3751/72.3.11
Rory McCarthy

Abstract:This article is a case study of how Tunisia's Islamist party, the Ennahda Movement, responded to new political opportunities that opened up after the 2011 Arab uprisings. It argues that Ennahda chose to make a hard-to-reverse commitment to politicization in the pursuit of electoral legitimacy, as protection from repression, and for fear of marginalization. The article demonstrates how the context of a democratic transition exposed internal debates within the movement over ideology, strategy, and organizational structure, ultimately dislocating the relationship between political ambitions and the religious social movement.



摘要:本文以突尼斯伊斯兰党恩纳达运动(Ennahda Movement)如何应对2011年阿拉伯起义后开启的新政治机会为例。它认为,Ennahda在追求选举合法性,保护自己免受压迫和害怕被边缘化的过程中,选择对政治化做出难以逆转的承诺。本文说明了民主过渡的背景如何暴露了意识形态,战略和组织结构运动内部的内部辩论,最终使政治野心与宗教社会运动之间的关系脱节。