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A Study of Rural Librarians’ Self-Efficacy in Facilitating and Developing Adult Science Programs
The Library Quarterly ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1086/702195
Monae Verbeke , John H. Falk , Karen Brown , David Meier

Rural libraries are central hubs for their communities and for sharing knowledge. For these reasons, they are an essential component of community science literacy. As part of the “Rural Gateways” project, researchers examined the science attitudes and self-efficacy of rural librarians and how these variables relate to librarians’ identity as science program developers. From across the United States, 110 rural librarians filled out a questionnaire measuring their science self-efficacy. Although most librarians reported high levels of science self-efficacy, some statistically significant differences existed between subgroups. On average, librarians with above-average science self-efficacy were significantly more likely to view themselves as developers of adult science programming. In many cases, librarians previously were involved in creating adult science programming within their rural communities. We discuss our findings in relation to current understandings of self-efficacy and library practice, as well as implications for learning in informal science education settings more broadly.



农村图书馆是其社区和知识共享的中心。由于这些原因,它们是社区科学素养的重要组成部分。作为“农村门户”项目的一部分,研究人员研究了农村图书馆员的科学态度和自我效能,以及这些变量如何与图书馆员作为科学计划开发商的身份有关。来自美国各地的110位乡村图书馆员填写了一份问卷,以衡量他们的科学自我效能。尽管大多数馆员报告的科学自我效能水平很高,但各亚组之间仍存在一些统计学上显着的差异。平均而言,科学自我效能高于平均水平的图书馆员更有可能将自己视为成人科学编程的开发者。在很多情况下 图书馆员以前曾参与在其农村社区内制定成人科学计划。我们将讨论与当前对自我效能感和图书馆实践的了解有关的发现,以及对非正式科学教育环境中学习的启示。