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Social Innovation in Public Libraries: Solving Community Challenges
The Library Quarterly ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-01 , DOI: 10.1086/697701
Ursula Gorham , John Carlo Bertot

any of the articles published in Library Quarterly in recent years have highlighted how public libraries are continually evolving to serve as critical community access points to information, technology, services, support, and expertise that facilitate and create individual and community transformation. Underlying their work in this area has been a commitment to innovation, although it has not necessarily been couched in those terms. In 2012, Brian Mathews wrote a white paper entitled “Think like a Startup,” in which he advocated for libraries to look to start-up companies as they “think aspirationally about change” (4). Whether or not the principles and practices espoused by start-ups make sense within the context of public libraries is perhaps the subject of a different editorial, but the idea that public libraries must embrace change is widely accepted now. Regardless of how public libraries are structured or supported in their communities, the provision of their services to the public is increasingly challenged by a diverse set of social needs, the uneven access to information technology and robust telecommunications services, the uneven ability of individuals to use a range of technologies, the shifting demographics in communities (e.g., aging, migration), the uneven access to education services, the uneven economic conditions, and the unequal capacity of communities to provide public service delivery. Overcoming such challenges requires social and public service innovation that promotes the creation of a sustainable ecosystem of public libraries, government agencies, nonstate actors, and citizens to participate in the provision, consumption, and intermediation of innovative public services using new social and organizational innovation models (OECD 2015).



近年来,在《图书馆季刊》上发表的任何文章都强调了公共图书馆如何不断发展,成为社区关键的信息,技术,服务,支持和专业知识的接入点,以促进和创造个人和社区的转变。他们在这一领域的工作基础是对创新的承诺,尽管不一定一定要遵循这些条件。2012年,布赖恩·马修斯(Brian Mathews)撰写了一份题为“像初创企业一样思考”的白皮书,他在其中倡导图书馆在“渴望改变的思想”中寻找初创公司(4)。在公共图书馆的背景下,初创企业所拥护的原则和实践是否有意义,这也许是另一篇社论的主题,但是公共图书馆必须接受变革的想法现在已被广泛接受。无论社区中公共图书馆的结构或支持方式如何,向社会提供公共服务的挑战都日益受到多样化的社会需求,信息技术获取不畅和强大的电信服务,个人使用能力不均衡的挑战。一系列技术,社区人口变化(例如老龄化,移民),获得教育服务的机会不均,经济条件不均以及社区提供公共服务的能力不平等。克服这些挑战需要社会和公共服务创新,以促进建立公共图书馆,政府机构,非国家行为者,