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Pragmatism and Prejudice: Revisiting the Origin of the Pale of Jewish Settlement and Its Historiography
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/706046
Robert Geraci

According to a memoir fragment, in July 1762, a few days after Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna had deposed her husband Peter III and propelled herself to the Russian throne—with the help of supporting court factions but not a drop of Russian, let alone Romanov, blood in her veins—to become Empress Catherine II (r. 1762–96), she was asked by the Governing Senate to pass judgment on a petition submitted by a Jewish merchant from Holland for permission to do business in Russia. Catherine believed the proposal “had been unanimously recognized as beneficial”; on the other hand, she worried that this so-called unanimity on a sensitive question might not include all those present at the senate proceeding. “Catherine was in a difficult position,” she later wrote in the third person. But she was “rescued from this dilemma” by one of the senators, Prince I. V. Odoevskii, who asked whether she would like to see how a previous ruler, Elizabeth Petrovna (r. 1741–61), had treated a similar petition. “Catherine ordered that the files be brought to her,” she recalled, “and found that Elizabeth had written in the margin, out of piety: ‘I desire no profit from the enemies of Jesus Christ.’” Since the reign of Peter I (1689–1725), Russia had usually welcomed commercial immigration. With great ambitions for Russian economic development, which would help the country achieve prominence as a European power, Peter not only welcomed but even recruited merchants and entrepreneurs from abroad,



根据回忆录片段,在 1762 年 7 月,在大公夫人叶卡捷琳娜·阿列克谢耶夫娜 (Ekaterina Alekseevna) 废黜丈夫彼得三世并登上俄罗斯王位几天后——在支持宫廷派系的帮助下,但没有一丝俄罗斯人的帮助,更不用说罗曼诺夫了,为了成为凯瑟琳二世皇后(1762-96 年在位),她的血管中流淌着鲜血,参议院要求她对来自荷兰的犹太商人提交的一份请愿书做出判决,该请愿书要求她获准在俄罗斯开展业务。凯瑟琳认为该提议“已被一致认为是有益的”;另一方面,她担心在一个敏感问题上的这种所谓的一致可能不包括所有出席参议院会议的人。“凯瑟琳处境艰难,”她后来用第三人称写道。但她被一位参议员“从这种困境中解救出来”,奥多耶夫斯基四世亲王问她是否想看看前任统治者伊丽莎白彼得罗夫娜(1741-61 年在位)如何处理类似的请愿书。“凯瑟琳下令将文件交给她,”她回忆道,“发现伊丽莎白出于虔诚在页边空白处写道:‘我不希望从耶稣基督的敌人那里得到好处。’”自彼得一世统治以来(1689-1725),俄罗斯通常欢迎商业移民。怀着对俄罗斯经济发展的雄心壮志,这将有助于该国成为欧洲强国,彼得不仅欢迎,甚至还招募了来自国外的商人和企业家,“并发现伊丽莎白出于虔诚在页边空白处写道:'我不希望从耶稣基督的敌人那里得到好处。'” 自彼得一世(1689-1725)统治以来,俄罗斯通常欢迎商业移民。怀着对俄罗斯经济发展的雄心壮志,这将有助于该国成为欧洲强国,彼得不仅欢迎,甚至还招募了来自国外的商人和企业家,“并发现伊丽莎白出于虔诚在页边空白处写道:'我不希望从耶稣基督的敌人那里得到好处。'” 自彼得一世(1689-1725)统治以来,俄罗斯通常欢迎商业移民。怀着对俄罗斯经济发展的雄心壮志,这将有助于该国成为欧洲强国,彼得不仅欢迎,甚至还招募了来自国外的商人和企业家,