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The “Pacha Affair” Reconsidered: Violence and Colonial Rule in Interwar French Equatorial Africa
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/704569
J. P. Daughton

In 1925, in the northern parts of French Equatorial Africa, word spread quickly. From village to village and region to region, across branches of families and along trade routes, translated from one language to another, tales of recruitment were passed along. Albert Londres, one of the most influential French journalists of his day, chronicled the reactions of would-be recruits to the news that colonial administrators were coming. “From the Congo River to the Sangha, from the Sangha to the Chari,” hewrote, “all you ever hear talked about is the Batignolles!” No village was left alone. “The Bakotas, the Bayas, the Linfonos, the Saras, the Bandas, the Lisangos, theMabakas, the Zindès, the Loangos are all snatched from their thoughts and sent ‘to the Batignolles’!” They understood what recruiters wanted—“the White Man was coming to look for men for the railroad”—and those who could fled into the bush. Villages were abandoned, districts left empty. The Société de la Construction des Batignolles, one of the largest French engineering firms at the time specializing in difficult overseas projects, was hired by the French government to build the Congo-Océan railroad. Begun in 1921, the Congo-Océan was to link Brazzaville, the colony’s largest settlement on the upper Congo River, to Pointe-Noire on the Atlantic Ocean, where a deep-water port was planned. Such a railway would allow goods to be transported down-



1925 年,在法属赤道非洲北部,消息迅速传播开来。从一个村庄到另一个村庄,从一个地区到另一个地区,跨越家庭分支和贸易路线,从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,招募的故事不断流传。Albert Londres 是当时最有影响力的法国记者之一,他记录了准新兵对殖民管理者即将到来的消息的反应。“从刚果河到僧伽,从僧伽到查里,”他写道,“你所听到的只有巴蒂尼奥勒!” 没有一个村庄是孤立的。“Bakotas、Bayas、Linfonos、Saras、Bandas、Lisangos、Mabakas、Zindès、Loangos 都从他们的思想中被夺走了,并被送到了‘巴蒂诺尔人’!” 他们明白招聘人员想要什么——“白人来为铁路寻找人选”——以及那些可以逃进丛林的人。村庄被遗弃,地区空置。Société de la Construction des Batignolles 是当时法国最大的工程公司之一,专门从事困难的海外项目,被法国政府聘用建造刚果-大洋铁路。从 1921 年开始,刚果-海洋计划将刚果河上游殖民地最大的定居点布拉柴维尔与大西洋上的黑角连接起来,那里计划建造一个深水港。这样的铁路将允许货物向下运输 当时法国最大的工程公司之一,专门从事高难度的海外项目,被法国政府聘请建造刚果-大洋铁路。从 1921 年开始,刚果-海洋计划将刚果河上游殖民地最大的定居点布拉柴维尔与大西洋上的黑角连接起来,那里计划建造一个深水港。这样的铁路将允许货物向下运输 当时法国最大的工程公司之一,专门从事高难度的海外项目,被法国政府聘请建造刚果-大洋铁路。从 1921 年开始,刚果-海洋计划将刚果河上游殖民地最大的定居点布拉柴维尔与大西洋上的黑角连接起来,那里计划建造一个深水港。这样的铁路将允许货物向下运输