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Théroigne de Méricourt, Gender, and International Politics in Revolutionary Europe
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1086/708614
Suzanne Desan

At 2:00 a.m. on February 15, 1791, two French émigré aristocrats pounded on the door of an inn in the hamlet of La Boverie, just outside the town of Liège in what is now Belgium. They soon burst into the bedchamber of Anne-Josèphe Théroigne de Méricourt, a twenty-eight-year-old woman, a revolutionary who had recently returned to the Low Countries from Paris. The émigrés swept her into a carriage and spirited her toward Austria. They questioned her relentlessly as they took her southeast to a fortress in the Tyrol and delivered her to their Austrian allies. For the next nine months she would remain a prisoner, first in the fortress-prison of Kufstein and then in Vienna—being interrogated as a potential top-level informant, as well as an agent provocateur who allegedly was bringing French revolutionary techniques and connections to the Liégeois rebel patriots and the Brabant insurgents in the nearby Austrian Netherlands. When the émigrés seized Théroigne, she was already well known in France. In 1789–90, this visitor to Paris had cofounded a revolutionary club, and she regularly attended the sessions of the National Assembly, but it was the counterrevolutionary press that made her notorious. They accused her—falsely and flamboyantly—of leading the women’s march on Versailles in October 1789. They were so successful that in August 1790, the French judicial court, the Châtelet, put out a warrant for her arrest as the alleged leader of the October Days uprising. By then, Théroigne had already fled back to her home village of Marcourt in the Austrian Low Countries. This itinerant revolutionary soon moved on to the tiny bishopric of Liège. She sympathized with patriot revolutionaries in this bishopric and in the Austrian Low Countries. Her reputation as a rebel brought about her Austrian captivity. Once released from prison, she returned to Paris in 1792, galvanized to act as a feminist and revolutionary leader. Exploring Théroigne de Méricourt’s intriguing trajectory reveals unexpected aspects of revolution, gender dynamics, and international politics across revolutionary Europe. Scholars have not fully drawn out the rich implications of her life story. Elisabeth Roudinesco interprets Méricourt’s development through a


Théroigne de Méricourt,革命欧洲的性别和国际政治

1791 年 2 月 15 日凌晨 2 点,两名法国移民贵族敲响了 La Boverie 小村庄的一家旅馆的门,该村庄就在现在的比利时列日镇外。他们很快就闯进了安妮·约瑟夫·泰罗瓦尼·德·梅里古 (Anne-Josèphe Théroigne de Méricourt) 的卧室,这位 28 岁的妇女是一名革命者,最近刚从巴黎返回低地国家。流亡者把她拖上马车,载着她往奥地利走。当他们将她带到东南部蒂罗尔的一座堡垒并将她交给他们的奥地利盟友时,他们无情地审问了她。在接下来的九个月里,她将一直是一名囚犯,首先是在库夫施泰因要塞监狱,然后是在维也纳——作为潜在的顶级线人受到审讯,以及一名特工挑衅者,据称他将法国的革命技术和联系带到附近的奥地利尼德兰的列热瓦叛乱爱国者和布拉班特叛乱分子。当流亡者夺取 Théroigne 时,她已经在法国广为人知。1789-90 年,这位巴黎游客与他人共同创办了一个革命俱乐部,她定期参加国民议会的会议,但让她臭名昭著的是反革命报刊。他们指控她——虚假而浮夸——在 1789 年 10 月领导了凡尔赛宫的妇女游行。他们非常成功,以至于 1790 年 8 月,法国司法法院夏特莱发出逮捕令,将她逮捕为所谓的十月党领袖。天起义。那时,泰罗瓦涅已经逃回了她在奥地利低地国家的家乡马尔库尔。这位流动的革命者很快就搬到了列日的小主教区。她同情这个主教辖区和奥地利低地国家的爱国革命者。她作为反叛者的名声导致她被奥地利囚禁。出狱后,她于 1792 年返回巴黎,成为女权主义和革命领袖。探索 Théroigne de Méricourt 的迷人轨迹,揭示了整个革命欧洲的革命、性别动态和国际政治的意想不到的方面。学者们还没有完全挖掘出她生平故事的丰富内涵。Elisabeth Roudinesco 通过以下方式解读 Méricourt 的发展 她作为反叛者的名声导致她被奥地利囚禁。出狱后,她于 1792 年返回巴黎,成为女权主义和革命领袖。探索 Théroigne de Méricourt 的迷人轨迹,揭示了整个革命欧洲的革命、性别动态和国际政治的意想不到的方面。学者们还没有完全挖掘出她生平故事的丰富内涵。Elisabeth Roudinesco 通过以下方式解读 Méricourt 的发展 她作为反叛者的名声导致她被奥地利囚禁。出狱后,她于 1792 年返回巴黎,成为女权主义和革命领袖。探索 Théroigne de Méricourt 的迷人轨迹,揭示了整个革命欧洲的革命、性别动态和国际政治的意想不到的方面。学者们还没有完全挖掘出她生平故事的丰富内涵。Elisabeth Roudinesco 通过以下方式解读 Méricourt 的发展 学者们还没有完全挖掘出她生平故事的丰富内涵。Elisabeth Roudinesco 通过以下方式解读 Méricourt 的发展 学者们还没有完全挖掘出她生平故事的丰富内涵。Elisabeth Roudinesco 通过以下方式解读 Méricourt 的发展