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Britannia’s Embrace: Modern Humanitarianism and the Imperial Origins of Refugee Relief. By Caroline Shaw.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xii+314. $74.00.
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/694354
Kevin O’Sullivan

Over the past year more than ?600,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean and Southeast Europe to seek asylum in the European Union.(1) While countries such as Germany have been incredibly welcoming in offering these refugees protection (with an increase of 155 per cent from 2014–15), others – most notably the United Kingdom – have been reluctant to open their borders.(2) According to one statistic, for every one application received in Britain between June 2014 and 2015, 27 were received in Germany.(3) In response to these dire numbers David Miliband, the former foreign secretary, claimed that ‘Britain was at the forefront of writing the conventions and writing the protocols that established legal rights for refugees. A lot of the legal theory came out of the UK.(4) For Miliband, the country was abandoning its 200-year-old tradition of humanitarian commitment to welcoming refugees.


不列颠尼亚的拥抱:现代人道主义和难民救济的帝国起源。Caroline Shaw. 牛津:牛津大学出版社,2015 年。Pp。十二+314。74.00 美元。

在过去的一年里,超过 60 万人跨越地中海和东南欧前往欧盟寻求庇护。(1) 虽然德国等国家非常欢迎向这些难民提供保护(从2014-15 年),其他国家——尤其是英国——一直不愿开放边境。(2) 根据一项统计,2014 年 6 月至 2015 年期间英国每收到一份申请,德国就收到 27 份申请。(3) ) 针对这些可怕的数字,前外交大臣大卫·米利班德 (David Miliband) 声称,“英国在制定公约和制定难民合法权利的议定书方面处于最前沿。很多法律理论都出自英国。 (4) 对于米利班德来说,