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International Law and the Transformation of War, 1899–1949: The Case of Military Occupation
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/698960
Jonathan Gumz

September 11, 2001, heralded a new age of war according to many Western security experts. Nonuniformed and non-state-sanctioned combatants attacked the World Trade Center to sow terror at the heart of the West. According to the Bush administration, the radically new nature of this war demanded indefinite detention and “enhanced” interrogation for those captured by the United States. Administration supporters vigorously defended thesemeasures, often using the conflict’s novelty as a justification. International legal and human rights communities erupted in protest. Indefinitely detaining persons without civilian trial, denying them civilian legal counsel, brutally interrogating them, trying them in front of hazily constituted “military commissions,” and interning them in a legal no-man’s land at Guantánamo Naval Base were attempts to fight this conflict outside international law’s reach. Criminal law provided methods to deal with Al-Qaeda. The Bush administration’s methods were unnecessary, counterproductive to US interests, and illegal. This new war could be fought within the confines of international law, administration opponents assured the world. This war’s novelty was the one area of agreement in this intense debate. Yet, some of these issues from the post-9/11 era hearkened back to discussions of military occupation from the late nineteenth century through the mid-twentieth


国际法与战争的转变,1899 年至 1949 年:军事占领案例

许多西方安全专家认为,2001 年 9 月 11 日预示着一个新的战争时代。不穿制服和未经国家批准的战斗人员袭击了世界贸易中心,在西方的中心散播恐怖。根据布什政府的说法,这场战争的全新性质要求对被美国俘虏的人进行无限期拘留和“加强”审讯。政府支持者大力捍卫这些措施,经常以冲突的新颖性为理由。国际法律和人权团体爆发了抗议活动。在未经民事审判的情况下无限期拘留人员,拒绝为他们提供民事法律顾问,残酷审讯他们,在模糊构成的“军事委员会,”并将他们拘禁在关塔那摩海军基地的合法无人区,是试图在国际法无法触及的范围内与这场冲突作斗争。刑法提供了对付基地组织的方法。布什政府的方法是不必要的,对美国利益适得其反,而且是非法的。反对政府的人向全世界保证,这场新的战争可以在国际法的范围内进行。在这场激烈的辩论中,这场战争的新颖性是达成一致的一个领域。然而,9/11 后时代的一些问题让人回想起从 19 世纪末到 20 世纪中叶的军事占领讨论。反对政府的人向全世界保证,这场新的战争可以在国际法的范围内进行。在这场激烈的辩论中,这场战争的新颖性是达成一致的一个领域。然而,9/11 后时代的一些问题让人回想起从 19 世纪末到 20 世纪中叶的军事占领讨论。反对政府的人向全世界保证,这场新的战争可以在国际法的范围内进行。在这场激烈的辩论中,这场战争的新颖性是达成一致的一个领域。然而,9/11 后时代的一些问题让人回想起从 19 世纪末到 20 世纪中叶的军事占领讨论。