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The Bolshevik Revolution Is Over
The Journal of Modern History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/710084
Eric Lohr

The one hundredth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution came and went fairly quietly. Russian speakers at the largest of the many 1917 conferences were with few exceptions somber and critical of the revolution and its legacies. One government official on the opening plenum at one of the largest of the gatherings—the Russian Academy of Sciences–Moscow State Institute of International Relations conference—concluded that while the Soviet focus on defense helped the Soviet UnionwinWorldWar II, the primary lesson of the revolution is that wemust never allow a revolution to happen in Russia again. That declaration more or less fit the official line. While liberals distinguished between the February and October revolutions, the church and conservatives condemned the February events for ending the monarchy and setting off the descent into revolutionary chaos. Although Lenin’s remains remain on Red Square, today the Bolsheviks and their revolution have few admirers among Russian scholars, the Russian public, or officials. One of the most remarkable commemorations of 2017 was



布尔什维克革命一百周年来得很安静。在 1917 年众多会议中最大的一次会议上,俄罗斯发言人几乎都对革命及其遗产持阴郁和批评态度。一位政府官员在规模最大的集会之一——俄罗斯科学院-莫斯科国家国际关系研究所会议上的开幕式上总结道,虽然苏联对国防的重视帮助苏联赢得了二战,但革命的主要教训是是我们绝不能允许俄罗斯再次发生革命。该声明或多或少符合官方路线。虽然自由主义者区分了二月革命和十月革命,教会和保守派谴责二月事件结束君主制并引发革命混乱。尽管列宁的遗体仍留在红场,但今天布尔什维克及其革命在俄罗斯学者、俄罗斯公众或官员中几乎没有崇拜者。2017 年最引人注目的纪念活动之一是