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Buddhism, Nomadism, and the Making of New Religio-Political Places: Deleuzian Thought About Borderlands, Movement and Itinerant a/Theology
The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2019.1694573
James Taylor

Resistance is in movement, mobility and nomadism (in the Deleuzian sense), an ‘errant’ journeying which takes various counter-statist forms, such as in what may be called a vagrant religiosity. This paper looks at the convergence of a hierarchical state apparatus and its territorialising civic Buddhism contraposed with a deterritorialising religious nomad space; a counter-theology and hetero-praxis located in the borderlands. Buddhism in Thailand, increasingly marginalised or privatised, has reached a point where encounters inside and outside have shaken the arboreal foundations and aspirations of civic religion and its over-coded theological conventions. Broadly speaking Thai society is in a continued state of reflection with its own shadow, its own imagining; similarly, with religion which is an integral element. It is to the social interstices, to the rhizome, that we must look for the transformations to come.


