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Moving beyond growth in the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene Review ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2053019618799104
André Reichel 1 , Robert Perey 2

From a sociological and political perspective, a key contribution of the discourse on the Anthropocene is its ability to act as a boundary object, to bring natural scientists and social scientists into conversation with each other and with the wider public. The Anthropocene then shifts scientific debate from the technical to the political, thus forcing science to change its mode of inquiry from normal to post-normal science, where political stakes as well as uncertainty of decision outcomes are high, and pressuring science to become a political actor. The current understanding of the Anthropocene, both stratigraphically and metaphorically, is based on the detrimental ecological impact of humanity and this leads us to propose that the Anthropocene commences with a new age we have called the ‘Auxocene’, after the ancient Greek Horae of growth. We argue that the social imaginary constituting the Auxocene rests on an unchallenged basic driver: expansionist differentiation and unchecked growth. We explore the notion of ‘Degrowth’ as a powerful discursive tool to facilitate the emergence of new social imaginaries and creating new socio-economic models that will provide beneficial ecological consequences for living in the Anthropocene.



从社会学和政治的角度来看,人类学的论述的一个重要贡献是其作为边界对象的能力,能够使自然科学家和社会科学家彼此之间以及与更广泛的公众进行对话。然后,人类世将科学辩论从技术性转向政治性,从而迫使科学将其研究模式从普通科学转变为普通后科学,因为后者的政治利益和决策结果的不确定性很高,并迫使科学成为政治演员。当前人类学对地层和隐喻的理解是基于人类的有害生态影响,这导致我们提出人类古时代始于新时代,我们称之为“新世”。 。我们认为,构成新世的社会想象是建立在一个不受挑战的基本驱动力之上的:扩张主义的分化和不受限制的增长。我们探索“放逐”的概念,将其作为一种强大的推论工具,以促进新的社会假想的出现并创建新的社会经济模型,从而为人类世提供有益的生态影响。