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Anti-Trans Optics: Recognition, Opacity, and the Image of Force
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-3961732
Eric A. Stanley

“He-she, come here!” Defiantly looking away with her arms and legs crossed, Duanna Johnson refuses the hail of Bridges McRae, an officer with the Memphis Police Department. “Faggot, I’m talking to you!” McRae’s demand grows with angered force against Johnson’s resistance. Johnson, a black transgender woman, had been arrested earlier that evening under the suspicion of prostitution, a charge often levied against trans women of color who dare to exist in public. On that February night in 2008, in the Shelby County jail’s intake area, she remained seated in silent protest, refusing to become the subject, which is to say the object, of the antitrans, anti-queer, and anti-black utterances of Officer McRae.1 Framed within the frame, a closed-circuit television (CCTV) captured the event. The high-angle wide shot opens with Johnson sitting in a chair a few feet behind McRae. The silent image shows McRae standing with his


Anti-Trans Optics: Recognition, Opacity, and the Image of Force

“嘿嘿,过来!” 杜安娜·约翰逊(Duanna Johnson)交叉双臂和双腿,挑衅地看着别处,拒绝了孟菲斯警察局警官布里奇斯·麦克雷(Bridges McRae)的冰雹。“臭小子,我在跟你说话呢!” 麦克雷的需求随着对抗约翰逊抵抗的愤怒力量而增长。约翰逊是一名黑人跨性别女性,当晚早些时候因涉嫌卖淫被捕,这项指控通常是针对敢于在公共场合存在的有色人种跨性别女性。2008 年 2 月的那个晚上,在谢尔比县监狱的收押区,她一直坐在那里默默抗议,拒绝成为警官反变性、反酷儿和反黑人言论的主体,也就是客体。 McRae.1 在框架内,闭路电视 (CCTV) 捕捉到了这一事件。高角度广角镜头开场,约翰逊坐在麦克雷身后几英尺的椅子上。沉默的图像显示麦克雷站在他的