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What Can Art Do about Pipeline Politics?
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-3829511
Brian Holmes

Chicago is known for its blues bars, its futures markets, its gun crimes, and the sprawling rail yards that make it the freight hub of North America. What’s missing from that list is a vast nexus of underground pipes that exerts a subterranean influence on the entire metropolitan region. Without the knowledge of most inhabitants, the “Windy City” has become the Midwestern capital of the oil industry. Let us have a look from the four directions. Up north, Enbridge’s main lines from Edmonton take aim at Chicago from the 450-acre Superior Terminal in Duluth, Minnesota. One of these pipes, infamous Line 61, is gradually being tripled in capacity to reach a staggering 1.2 million barrels of diluted bitumen a day, more than enough to replace the defeated Keystone XL project. A northward-flowing line, also operated by Enbridge, pumps diluent from the massive BP refinery on the southeast edge of Chicago to buyers in the faraway Tar Sands region. From the south, three major pipelines connect Texas oil wells to Chicago area refineries by way of the giant storage hubs of Patoka, Illinois, and Cushing, Oklahoma. Two more Enbridge lines flow in the opposite direction, bringing the deluge of Tar Sands oil within reach of thirsty Gulf Coast markets. Out west, the pipeline story continues along the rails, in the form of hundred-car-long tanker trains filled to bursting with explosive Bakken crude. Some forty of these rolling pipelines—also known as “bomb trains”—cross the densely populated Chicago metro area every week, so far without any catastrophic incident (the closest explosion yet was in Galena, some 150 miles away). To the east, the oil flows away from the city along the rails and by way of Enbridge’s freshly enlarged



芝加哥以其蓝调酒吧、期货市场、枪支犯罪以及使其成为北美货运枢纽的庞大铁路站场而闻名。该列表中缺少的是对整个大都市区产生地下影响的巨大地下管道连接。在大多数居民不知情的情况下,“风城”已成为石油工业的中西部之都。让我们从四个方向来看看。在北面,Enbridge 的主干线从埃德蒙顿出发,从明尼苏达州德卢斯 450 英亩的高级航站楼开始瞄准芝加哥。其中一个管道,臭名昭著的 61 号线,其容量逐渐增加了两倍,每天可处理 120 万桶稀释沥青,足以取代失败的 Keystone XL 项目。同样由安桥公司运营的向北流动的线路,将稀释剂从芝加哥东南边缘的大型 BP 炼油厂泵送到遥远的焦油砂地区的买家。从南部开始,三个主要管道通过伊利诺伊州帕托卡和俄克拉荷马州库欣的巨型储存中心将德克萨斯州的油井连接到芝加哥地区的炼油厂。另外两条 Enbridge 管线向相反的方向流动,将大量的焦油砂石油带到口渴的墨西哥湾沿岸市场。在西部,管道的故事沿着铁路继续发展,以百车长的油轮列车的形式充满爆炸性的巴肯原油。大约 40 条滚动管道——也被称为“炸弹列车”——每周穿过人口稠密的芝加哥都会区,到目前为止没有发生任何灾难性事件(最近的爆炸发生在大约 150 英里外的加利纳)。向东,