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The Biopolitics of Dignity
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-3488431
Camille Robcis

A few days after the shocking attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo in January 2015, several French political leaders called for the revival of the “crime of national indignity” as a possible sanction against terrorists of French citizenship. As the prime minister Manuel Valls put it, such a measure—backed up, according to surveys, by 76 percent of the French population—would “mark with symbolic force the consequences of the absolute transgression that a terrorist act constitutes” (Clavel 2015). Under French law, national indignity did indeed have a particular history and signification, one that was not simply “symbolic” but in fact quite concrete. As the historian Anne Simonin (2008) shows, “national indignity” was invented in 1944 by the legal experts of the Resistance as an exceptional measure to punish, retroactively, the supporters of the Vichy regime who had collaborated with the Nazi occupiers and promoted anti-Semitic legislation. Between 1945 and 1951, around one hundred thousand citizens were South Atlantic Quarterly



在 2015 年 1 月查理周刊办公室发生令人震惊的袭击事件几天后,几位法国政治领导人呼吁恢复“民族侮辱罪”,以此作为对法​​国公民恐怖分子的可能制裁。正如总理曼努埃尔·瓦尔斯 (Manuel Valls) 所说,根据调查,76% 的法国人口支持这种措施,“以象征性的力量标志着恐怖行为构成的绝对违法行为的后果”(Clavel 2015) . 根据法国法律,民族侮辱确实具有特定的历史和意义,不仅是简单的“象征性”,而且实际上是非常具体的。正如历史学家安妮·西蒙宁 (Anne Simonin,2008 年) 所表明的那样,“民族尊严”是抵抗运动的法律专家于 1944 年发明的,作为一种特殊措施,可追溯性地惩罚、维希政权的支持者与纳粹占领者合作并推动反犹太立法。1945 年至 1951 年间,约有 10 万公民参加了《南大西洋季刊》