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Climate Change Music: From Environmental Aesthetics to Ecoacoustics
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-3749392
Matthew Burtner

Several meters back from the riverbank, the microphone points out and slightly upward, as if trying to hear the treetops on the far bank, or the distant mountains. The river and wind roar, amplified through the headphones, louder than my normal hearing. The sound is also spatially altered by the microphone characteristics. Small spectral shapes dance in the noise; am I imagining them? Perhaps they are a by-product of the electroacoustics of the recording system, or of my hearing. Perhaps they result from some interaction between the acoustics of the wind and the river. In the headphones, I hear the wind and the river pressed into a single complex mass of noise. My creative mind follows the listening, and I wonder: Are the wind and river really separate? —EcoSono Field Journal: Hearing Mountains Sing in the Sound of Wind and River



离河岸几米远的地方,话筒指向上方,微微向上,仿佛要听到远岸的树梢,或者远处的群山。河水和风在咆哮,通过耳机放大,比我正常的听力还要响亮。声音也会因麦克风特性而在空间上发生改变。微小的光谱形状在噪音中跳舞;我在想象他们吗?也许它们是录音系统的电声学或我的听力的副产品。也许它们是风声和河流声学之间的某种相互作用的结果。在耳机中,我听到风和河流被压成一团复杂的噪音。我的创作心随着聆听而变化,我在想:风和河真的是分开的吗?——EcoSono 田野杂志:听山听风河水声