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Certificates of Live Birth and Dead Names: On the Subject of Recent Anti-Trans Legislation
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-3961743
Amanda Armstrong

During the spring of 2016—a season overshadowed by North Carolina’s anti-trans House Bill 2 (HB2)—I received a security alert from the University of Michigan Police Department containing the following account of an assault: “A student reported that while she was in a women’s restroom, a male subject entered the restroom and forcibly hugged her before she could flee. An unauthorized, handmade ‘out of order’ sign was found posted to the restroom door.” Reading the e-mail threw me. I was struck thinking about how terrifying the assault must have been for the person who faced that man with his outstretched arms. I ran loops in my head, imagining how I might have responded, wondering whether I would have been able to flee when faced with the shock of the event. And having to pee every hour or so did not help. My repeated trips to the women’s room that afternoon provoked feelings of nausea and more intense nervousness than usual. In addition to fearing a repetition of the earlier assault, I was concerned that there might be police keeping an eye on the bathroom, and that an officer might decide to follow me through the door. What if a cop clocked me, read me as a trans woman, that is, as “really” a man, which is to say, as a potential perpetrator of the assault I feared? To untangle this experience, wherein my fearful projection doubled up and turned in on itself, I want to venture a reading of the condition of trans life at the moment of our ambiguous social recognition. Recognition is a twosided term here. On one hand, emerging from a genealogy of German idealist philosophy, it speaks to a condition of selfhood realized in and through



在 2016 年春天——这个季节被北卡罗来纳州的反跨众议院法案 2 (HB2) 蒙上阴影——我收到了密歇根大学警察局的安全警报,其中包含以下袭击事件的描述:“一名学生报告说,当她在在女洗手间,一名男性受试者进入洗手间,在她逃跑前强行抱住了她。在洗手间门上发现了一个未经授权的手工制作的‘故障’标志。” 阅读电子邮件让我感到震惊。想到对那个伸出双臂面对那个男人的人来说,袭击一定是多么可怕,我感到震惊。我在脑海中盘旋,想象着我可能会如何回应,想知道当我面对事件的震惊时,我是否能够逃离。不得不每隔一小时小便一次也无济于事。那天下午,我反复去女厕所引起了恶心和比平时更强烈的紧张感。除了担心之前的袭击重演之外,我还担心可能会有警察监视浴室,并且警察可能会决定跟着我穿过门。如果一个警察给我打了时钟,把我读成一个跨性别女人,也就是说,作为一个“真正的”男人,也就是说,作为我害怕的袭击的潜在肇事者,该怎么办?为了解开这种经历,在这种经历中,我的恐惧投射加倍并转向自身,我想冒险阅读一下我们模棱两可的社会认可时跨性别生活的状况。认可在这里是一个双向的术语。一方面,从德国唯心主义哲学的谱系中出现,它讲述了一种自我实现的状态,通过 除了担心之前的袭击重演之外,我还担心可能会有警察监视浴室,并且警察可能会决定跟着我穿过门。如果一个警察给我打了时钟,把我读成一个跨性别女人,也就是说,作为一个“真正的”男人,也就是说,作为我害怕的袭击的潜在肇事者,该怎么办?为了解开这种经历,在这种经历中,我的恐惧投射加倍并转向自身,我想冒险阅读一下我们模棱两可的社会认可时跨性别生活的状况。认可在这里是一个双向的术语。一方面,从德国唯心主义哲学的谱系中出现,它讲述了一种自我实现的状态,并通过 除了害怕重演之前的袭击之外,我还担心可能会有警察监视浴室,并且警察可能会决定跟着我进门。如果一个警察给我打了时钟,把我读成一个跨性别女人,也就是说,作为一个“真正的”男人,也就是说,作为我害怕的袭击的潜在肇事者,该怎么办?为了解开这种经历,在这种经历中,我的恐惧投射加倍并转向自身,我想冒险阅读一下我们模棱两可的社会认可时跨性别生活的状况。认可在这里是一个双向的术语。一方面,从德国唯心主义哲学的谱系中出现,它讲述了一种自我实现的状态,通过 一个军官可能会决定跟着我进门。如果一个警察给我打了时钟,把我读成一个跨性别女人,也就是说,作为一个“真正的”男人,也就是说,作为我害怕的袭击的潜在肇事者,该怎么办?为了解开这种经历,在这种经历中,我的恐惧投射加倍并转向自身,我想冒险阅读一下我们模棱两可的社会认可时跨性别生活的状况。认可在这里是一个双向的术语。一方面,从德国唯心主义哲学的谱系中出现,它讲述了一种自我实现的状态,通过 一个军官可能会决定跟着我进门。如果一个警察给我打了时钟,把我读成一个跨性别女人,也就是说,作为一个“真正的”男人,也就是说,作为我害怕的袭击的潜在肇事者,该怎么办?为了解开这种经历,在这种经历中,我的恐惧投射加倍并转向自身,我想冒险阅读一下在我们模棱两可的社会认可的时刻跨性别生活的状况。认可在这里是一个双向的术语。一方面,从德国唯心主义哲学的谱系中出现,它讲述了一种自我实现的状态,通过 在我的恐惧投射加倍并转向自身的过程中,我想在我们模糊的社会认可的那一刻冒险阅读跨性别生活的状况。认可在这里是一个双向的术语。一方面,从德国唯心主义哲学的谱系中出现,它讲述了一种自我实现的状态,并通过 在我的恐惧投射加倍并转向自身的过程中,我想在我们模糊的社会认可的那一刻冒险阅读跨性别生活的状况。认可在这里是一个双向的术语。一方面,从德国唯心主义哲学的谱系中出现,它讲述了一种自我实现的状态,通过