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Translating Climate Change. Anthropology and the Travelling Idea of Climate Change – Introduction
Sociologus Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.3790/soc.68.1.1
Sara de Wit, 1 , Arno Pascht, 2 , Michaela Haug 3

Abstract In the prairies of Alberta, Canada, winters are cold, wood is scarce. This place is home to Native Americans – many of them are highly educated nowadays. One summer, a young Native American Chief, college-educated and incapable of reading the signs of Mother Nature, was asked by his people how cold the next winter will be. Embarrassed of not mastering the traditional skills for predicting the weather, and to be on the safe side, he said to his people: ‘Well, I think this will be a pretty cold winter this year.’ He then sought help from his college friend, a meteorologist at the local Weather Channel station. ‘Tell me, Joshua, don’t you think we are facing a cold winter this year?’ Equally unable to predict the weather so far ahead, and also to be on the safe side, Joshua the meteorologist confirmed the Chief’s opinion: ‘Oh, I think this will be a really cold winter’, was his answer. So the Chief went back to his people and announced: ‘Folks, this year, I know, the winter will be particularly cold...



摘要 在加拿大艾伯塔省的大草原,冬天寒冷,木材稀缺。这个地方是美洲原住民的家园——如今他们中的许多人都受过高等教育。一年夏天,一位年轻的美洲原住民酋长受过大学教育,无法解读大自然的迹象,他的人民问他下一个冬天有多冷。为没有掌握预测天气的传统技能而感到尴尬,为了安全起见,他对他的人说:“好吧,我认为今年这个冬天会很冷。” 然后他向他的大学朋友,当地气象频道电台的气象学家寻求帮助。“告诉我,约书亚,你不认为我们今年面临着寒冷的冬天吗?” 气象学家约书亚同样无法预测未来的天气,而且为了安全起见,他证实了酋长的意见:“哦,我认为这将是一个非常寒冷的冬天',是他的回答。于是酋长回到他的人民那里宣布:‘伙计们,我知道今年冬天会特别冷……