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Do Test Score Gaps Grow before, during, or between the School Years? Measurement Artifacts and What We Can Know in Spite of Them
Sociological Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.15195/v6.a3
Paul von Hippel , Caitlin Hamrock

A classic question in sociology is whether test-score gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged children originate inside or outside schools. One approach to this question is to ask: (1) How large are gaps when children enter school? (2) How much do gaps grow later on? (3) Do gaps grow faster during school or during summer? Confusingly, past research has given discrepant answers to these basic questions. We show that questions about gap growth are vulnerable to measurement artifacts. One artifact relates to scaling: gaps appear to grow faster if measurement scales spread with age. Another artifact relates to changes in test form: summer gap growth is hard to estimate if children take different tests in spring and fall. These artifacts may have exaggerated gap growth in some past studies. Net of artifacts, the most replicable finding is that gaps are already large when children enter school and display little net growth later on. It is hard to say unequivocally whether gaps grow faster during the school years or during summer vacations.


