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Social Philosophy and Policy ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-09 , DOI: 10.1017/s0265052519000116
Richard W. Miller

:In one broad construal, corruption consists of deriving benefit from power over others in morally objectionable ways. The charge that capitalism is corrupt is usefully understood as a claim that modern capitalist economies inevitably and pervasively generate corrupt gains, in this sense, through conduct that does not transgress capitalist norms for individuals’ economic conduct. Modern capitalism has two features that would figure prominently in such an indictment: gains from the inferior bargaining power of most workers and gains from the superior political influence of those in the best economic situations. The taint of corruption should be reduced by political measures that move capitalist commerce toward Adam Smith’s commercial ideal of gains from exchanging help for help and that show appreciation of the equal importance of everyone’s presumed desire to have a life shaped by directives that he or she willingly accepts. Through such measures, capitalism could, in principle, become non-corrupt. In practice, unequal political influence will prevent this. Ending the corruptness of capitalism is an unattainable yet productive goal of reform.



: 在一种广义的解释中,腐败包括以道德上令人反感的方式从对他人的权力中获取利益。资本主义腐败的指控被有效地理解为现代资本主义经济不可避免地和普遍地产生腐败收益的主张,在这个意义上,通过不违反资本主义个人经济行为规范的行为。现代资本主义有两个特征将在这样的起诉中突出显示:从大多数工人的低议价能力中获益,以及从处于最佳经济状况的人的优越政治影响力中获益。应该通过政治措施来减少腐败的污染,这些措施使资本主义商业朝着亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)的商业理想,即从帮助换帮助中获得收益,并表现出对每个人的假定愿望的同等重要性,即他或她愿意通过指令来塑造生活。接受。通过这些措施,资本主义原则上可以变得不腐败。在实践中,不平等的政治影响会阻止这一点。结束资本主义的腐败是一个无法实现但富有成效的改革目标.